Due to Disneyland having their 2fer deal (61 bucks to get into Disneyland one day and then California Adventure the next day) I decided that a trip to southern California was in order.
Thursday, May 28
The day after I got back from Rome I flew to Long Beach with a few friends (Lisa, Richard, Brooke, and Allison) from Utah.
We met my not so little brother, Luke, at Ryan and Missy's apartment (they were in Mexico).
From there we headed to In-n-Out for a little late night, pre-Disneyland snack.
Lisa, Luke, Richard, and I spent the night at Ryan and Missy's (thanks again) while Brooke and Allison stayed at a hotel by Disneyland.
Friday, May 29
We spent all day at Disneyland!

We had a problem when we got on Space Mountain: Due to Luke's height, he had a hard time fitting in his seat.
As a result we had to be evacuated and put on another "space ship".
No, worries! We were still able to go on the ride and have a great time!
Later that night we were joined by Lisa's friend, Brandon. And the adventure continued...


I was extremely jet lagged (understandable right?!) so after 13 hours at Disneyland I decided to call it a night.
Luke and I left and headed for Ryan and Missy's where we were greeted by 3 baby raccoons and their precious mother.
After a few moments of panic, we finally got into the apartment and hit the hay.
Saturday, May 30
We spent all day in California Adventure!
"Neilson Pride"

Our favorite ride, by far, was Toy Story!

After 3 huge trips (Moab, Europe, and Disneyland) I am officially tired! No regrets though!