Josh and I decided to spend Christmas with my family in CA this year. This is Josh's first "un-white" Christmas! I think the amazing weather in CA made up for the lack of snow.
We spent Christmas Eve day in Temecula with the
WHOLE (minus a few missionaries and a couple of cousins) Neilson family. Over 70 people were there! I think Josh was a little overwhelmed at first, but my family was very welcoming.
We had a nice Christmas Eve day dinner, great company, and the younger cousins did a nativity scene performance (tradition).
[Papa, Nana, and Brady]

[Missy, Ryan, Dad, Mom, Me, Josh, Papa, Nana, and Brady]

After the party was over, we (my immediate family) headed up to LA so we could have a nice Christmas Eve at home. We played Monopoly (I won!), drank eggnog, and watched The Muppet Christmas Carol.
The next morning we woke up early, ate our traditional Christmas morning breakfast (pigs in a blanket), and then went to church for the Christmas program.
After church, we hurried home, changed clothes, and then sat down to open presents.
We were all spoiled (as always) this year.
[Missy, Ryan, and Brady]

[Josh was the most spoiled of all!]


[Brady opening his presents]

[Brady with his present from me and Josh]

[Cute, happy nephew!]

Merry Christmas!