Theo is 11 months old! How did that happen?! We’ve had a very busy month. Theo continues have Physical, Developmental, Occupational, and Eye Therapy AND he goes to the chiropractor three times a week. Everyone is working hard to help Theo with his head control, but he’s not holding his head up yet. We are also focusing on holding and reaching for toys, which he is getting better at. He loves anything that plays music or that is red, shiny, or crunchy.
[PT with Becca and Cody]
[Theo holding his head up]
[Theo is always so tired after therapy]
[Theo working on holding toys]
[It's been so HOT here!]
[My husband is the BEST!]
[Porter doing "tough guy"]
Theo got his DOC Band this month too. Due to his age and the severity of his brachycephaly and plagiocephaly, he has to wear it 23 hours a day for four months.
[He had a small red mark on his forehead when we first started, but it quickly went away so Theo could wear the DOC Band full time]
[Banana rice cereal and peanut butter]
[He's so cute when he sleeps! He's a side sleeper like his mama!]
[His R2D2 Mickey Ears fit him when his helmet is on!]
[It's been hot and Theo is teething, so that means I get a lot of cuddles]
[Therapy on the exercise ball]
[HOT again!]
I ordered special stickers for Theo's DOC Band. Of course, I had to do R2-D2!
Star Wars photo shoot!
[More ball therapy]
[Practicing sitting up and holding his head up]
[So TALL!]
[Teething = Cuddles!]
We are meeting with Radiology this month to see when Theo’s next surgery to completely fix his brain aneurysm will be. Theo continues to be an easy going kid who loves his bed, binky, and anyone who smiles at him!
We love you Theo! 

In other news, Lebron James joined the Lakers. I'm excited because we need to start winning again, BUT it's hard to root for someone your've been rooting against for so long! I guess we will see!
Josh continues to work hard! Some days he doesn't get home until after Theo is asleep, so we try to FaceTime as much as possible during the day. Thanks for working so hard, Josh!
I've been staying busy by watching The Office (during Theo's naps), blogging, working out, reading my Star Wars books (gotta get caught up before Star Wars Celebration next year), taking Theo to his various appointments, working with Theo on his "homework" from the therapist, and planning our South America Trip.
Josh is in charge of taking pictures while on our trip. So he bought a fancy new camera and a couple of lenses and filters. I joked that with this new lens he will be able to see Polar Bears! Funny right? You know, because Polar Bears live in the Arctic North and we are going to South? I know, I'm so funny! But hopefully we will be able to see a lot of sea lions, seals, whales, and penguins!
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