Monday, May 11, 2020

Week Nine of "Quarantine" and Happy Mother's Day

Our Governor has released a plan for reopening. There is a lot of pushback from our county because we are part of the "Greater Chicago Area" and are being treated the same as Chicago, which is a hot spot. There have been a lot of protest and the Governor is now saying that we may not hit our peak until the middle of June.

May 4th is Star Wars Day!

[Pictures from Star Wars Celebration 2019]

One of my favorite Star Wars people is Ashley Eckstein. She voices Ahsoka Tano, is a huge mental health advocate, loves the Star Wars fans, and runs a clothing site (Her Universe) that has awesome fan girl clothes!

Anyways, she was releasing two new Minnie Ears for Star Wars day: Ahsoka ears and Droid ears. I got on at 8:58 AM and kept refreshing the page so I could get in line to buy the ears. 

At 9:02 AM I got in the site and the ears were all gone!

And a few minutes later they were on eBay. I'm so sad! 😭 

Ashely sent out an update to her Instagram followers, but it didn't help. I don't know why Disney can't crack down on those eBay guys. $78 was already a lot to pay for these ears. There is no way I'm going to pay $200-300 for them.

Even though I was bummed out, we still had a fun Star Wars day!

We put ears on Theo (he didn't like it) and we watched the series finale of The Clone Wars. It was AMAZING!

[Another good COVID-19 meme]

This week Theo had four tele-therapy sessions (PT, Dietitian, Feeding/Speech, and OT).

[Wedge work]

[Working with the light board]

May 5th is Cinco de Mayo! We celebrated by getting takeout tacos! YUM!

[Three Amigos is one of my favorite documentaries]

Josh has two weeks off of work, so he's is working hard on his honey-do list!

While Josh was outside working, he was able to get a few pictures of the baby birds!

[View from our window]

Theo's feeding therapist suggested we try some new foods with Theo. I went to the store and got some dairy-free yogurt, hummus, guac, pickles, spaghetti sauce, and soy sauce.

We tried the fair-free lime yogurt and Theo actually liked it. I would brush it onto his hands and he would lick it off of his hands. I then brushed it on his lips and he would lick his lips! YAY!

On Thursday, May 7th, Disney made a pretty big announcement:

*Fingers crossed* that Disney World will open sometime this year!

We took advantage of Josh being home and cut Theo's beautiful hair!

[Isn't he so handsome?!]

May 8th was Brodee's 9th birthday! WHAA?! How is this kid NINE?!

Sad news:

Josh had a Zoom meeting, which lasted about 3 hours! It was great though, and Josh is going to start work on May 18th!

Also, on Friday I went on my longest run yet!

[Crushed it!]

[Theo trying pickle juice]

[Josh got my car washed, so I was able to put my new magnet on it!]

Theo has been doing really well on his new formula, so I contacted his GI Specialist and she wrote a prescription for him. The formula is CRAZY expensive, so it was nice to get a prescription and have insurance pay for it. Of course, I had a feeling that our medical supplier would get the prescription wrong, and they did. 

No worries, we got it all straightened out and Theo's correct formula arrived on Saturday!

We are now saying goodbye to Theo's old formula. It is being donated to a family in the area.

[This meme made me laugh so hard!]

[Another good one]

We rigged up a table for Theo to use while he is in his stander. He was so excited to play with his robot!

May 9th - Mothers Day!

[Josh and Theo got me some delicious chocolate covered strawberries and assorted chocolates]

We did a Group FaceTime with my family. We watched my mom open her presents and we were able to chat for a while. It's pretty fun to be able to see everyone all at once! At this time we are all in "quarantine" in five different states (Utah, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, and Florida).

While mama bird was away hunting, we were able to get some pictures of the babies!

[I love Theo!]

[Theo trying strawberry yogurt]

[It was a busy week!]

That night Josh made us a delicious dinner! Steak and potatoes?! Yes please!

I hope all your moms out there had a great Mother's Day and a fabulous week!

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