Monday, April 10, 2023

Hospital Discharge and Star Wars Celebration London

Monday, April 3rd:

Theo had a small desat in the night. He dropped to 84, so I gave him 0.5 oxygen. He coughed a couple minutes later and then his oxygen went back up, so we shut off the extra oxygen and he was good for the rest of the night.

The doctors and nurses were in and out of our room all day trying to keep us updated on the equipment. I knew it was unlikely that we would get the equipment on Monday, but I was pretty sure everything would come together on Tuesday. 

At 5:15 PM one of the doctors came in and told us that they found a supplier, but there is a lot of back and forth with paperwork and Case Management already went home for the day. We said that was fine, ate dinner, and then I headed to the Ronald McDonald House for the night. As I was driving I got a call from someone at LifeTech (the supplier). She said that she had our equipment and that they can come by first thing in the morning with it. I said that sounds great and we agreed to meet at the hospital at 8:15 AM to receive the equipment and to get training on how to use it.

A few minutes later I got another call from someone at LifeTech that said they heard we were upset about the equipment taking too long and so they were told to bring it tonight. I told her not to worry about it and they can just bring it in the morning. She insisted that she bring it that night and I gave her Josh's phone number so he could talk to her.

They delivered the equipment later that night.

Theo had a great day!

Tuesday, April 4th:

The next morning the representative from LifeTech showed up to train us. She was super nice and super helpful! She kept asking us if we were mad at them and I had to reassure her a couple times that we were not mad at them. They didn't get the orders for the equipment until 5:45 PM on Monday night. So, I would say they were definitely on top of things. In all honesty, the team at the hospital dropped the ball. They've known for almost three weeks that we would need this equipment. Why wait until we were discharged to try and find a supplier? Especially since they knew we couldn't leave the hospital until we had the equipment 🤷‍♀️

Training took about 30 minutes and then we were discharged! Theo waved at everyone as we left the 6th floor and headed to the parking garage. The drive home was easy and we were home by noon!

[It's a full car with our bags and all the new equipment]

After we got home we unpacked, did laundry, organized Theo's new equipment, and then made of things I needed to do over the next two days.

I updated Theo's daily schedule and Josh and I decided that we would continue doing Theo's respiratory therapy (shake vest, nebulizer, cough assist, and suction) every four hours until he goes back to school on April 11th. Josh took the 10 PM and 6 AM shifts and I did the 2 AM shift. I used to get up at 3 AM to give Theo his meds, but that only took a few minutes. Respiratory therapy takes about 35 minutes. We knew it would be hard, but it's worth it if it keeps Theo healthy and out of the hospital.

Wednesday, April 5th:

Did I mention that my brothers were coming to visit this weekend?! Yep, I did! We had no food in our house and I needed to run a bunch of errands and decorate the house before they arrive tomorrow!

I ran a bunch of errands during the day while Josh and Theo hung out at home.

[Shaker vest and nebulizer]

[Cough assist]

[Snoozing in the chair]

Josh finally talked to Darvin. They said that the manufacture wants to replace the couch and they will come and haul the old one away and will deliver the new one in 8 weeks. We said that was NOT going to work since we had guest coming into town and we needed a couch. They said that we could just hang onto the broken couch and use it until they brought the replacement. Fine. So Josh put some blocks under it.

I went to Costco, the Dermatologist, the Allergist, Walgreens, and the local grocery store. I bought a ton of good food and the left some balloons at Jewel to get blown up. 

A few hours later Theo, Josh, and I went to pickup the balloons. Theo was not excited about it!

[Got my decorations all ready!]


[Can't pass up Costco cookies and Oberweis Dairy milk]

[My boys]

Thursday, April 6th:

The next morning I headed up to Plainfield to get some cupcakes from Milettes Bakery. Don't they look delicious?! They are!

Ryan left work early and drove up from Cincinnati, so he could come with me to pick up Luke from the airport.

[Luke is at the airport in SLC!]

After we got Luke from O'hare I took the boys to a local staple: Portillo's! We got hot beef, Chicago hot dogs, chocolate malts, fries, and onion rings! It was all delicious! 

After dinner I took the guys to our home. They were excited to start working on the Millennium Falcon! They moved the kitchen table into the family room, so they could use the big table to work on.

[First bag!]

[They have a long way to go!]

Friday, April 7th:

Since Star Wars Celebration was taking place in London this year the live stream was scheduled to start at 5:00 AM! We decided to record it and not get up that early! 

Everyone was up around 7:00 AM, so we started the stream then and made breakfast sandwiches!

We got some big news today including an Ahsoka trailer!

The biggest announcement was that there are THREE new movies coming!


While we watched the live stream, they guys alternated working on the Millennium Falcon and playing Hogwarts Legacy.

[The hologame table! EEK!]

That night we got Giordano's deep dish pizza!

Saturday, April 8th:

Today there was an Ahsoka panel where they revealed that Lars Mikkelsen will be playing Thrawn! YAY!

There was also a 40th Anniversary Return of the Jedi Panel, the Clone Wars 15th Anniversary Panel, AND a High Republic publishing panel!

After Celebration wrapped up for the day we went for a walk around the neighborhood and then Josh grilled us some brats from Superior meats!

That night we played Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. It was so much fun and the questions were pretty hard. Ryan won!

Sunday, April 9th:

Today we had a few really fun panels: Villains of the Sequel Trilogy and an Obi-Wan Kenobi panel.

After the live stream we went on another walk around the neighborhood, played Hogwarts Legacy, watched baseball, ANNNNNDDDDD....


They wanted to put the dish on together, but they struggled.

Hang on...

Wait for it...

Almost there...



Thanks Ryan and Luke (and Josh too) for building her! We are going to order a stand and display her in Theo's room. But for now she is going to be our dining room table center piece 🙂

In other news, the Playoffs and Play-In are set!

For dinner we were planning on getting BBQ at one of our favorite spots, but they were closed for Easter. So we got Chinese food instead 😋 

Monday, April 10th:

Monday was the final day of Celebration! We had breakfast sandwiches, played Hogwarts Legacy, and watched the live stream. There were three major panels today (Bad Batch, Visions 2, and Marvel Comics), but the biggest news was coming at the end. We knew going into this Celebration that the next Celebration wasn't going to be until 2025. We all guessed where we thought it would be next and committed to attending. Selfishly, I was hoping the next one would be in Chicago and I thought it was reasonable since Chicago has the largest convention center in the US. I also thought there was a chance it could be in Orlando, so people could also go to the Parks. All three of us chose Japan as our wild card and guess what?!

We all cheered when they announced that they next Celebration would be in Tokyo, Japan!

Time to start planning our trip!

[So many good memes coming out!]

After Celebration wrapped up Ryan headed home to Ohio. Luke and I played Hogwarts Legacy some more and then Ms. Cody came over for PT with Theo. After PT I took Luke to the airport.

I am so glad that Ryan and Luke were able to come for Celebration! It was so much fun to have them around for a few days so we could just hang out and do nerdy stuff! And thanks to Josh for hosting, cooking, and buying the Millennium Falcon and Hogwarts Legacy! I know the next SWC isn't until 2025, but maybe we need to make the nerdy weekend gathering a yearly thing 🙂

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