Sunday, June 2, 2024

Week Between School and ESY

Since Theo was off from school this week, he had to come with me to run some errands. I took him with me to get my weekly allergy shots. I knew he would be a little nervous being in a doctors office, so I had him wear his "cool guy" sunglasses inside the building. He stayed very still whenever someone said "hi" to him, so he did a good job hiding!

Theo's g-tube area seemed to be bothering him. He had a little granulated tissue, but that hasn't bothered him in the past. I had a feeing there was something going on internally. We changed out his button and there was some blood on the balloon. We replaced it with a new one and I sent pictures to his surgeon, Dr. Robertson.

[Looks good - if there was an infection the whole area would be red]

[Little bit of granulated tissue]


Dr. Robertson told me to put GranuLotion on the granulated tissue and to stabilize the g-tube. It's likely that the tube is causing internal irritation, so stabilizing it will help calm things down. 

[Message from the doctor]

[Got it!]

Hopefully this will help Theo feel better!


I'm trying to get Theo to like The Price is Right. It's growing on him, but he still likes Wheel of Fortune better.

I've been talking to a local travel agent about my sibling trip to Japan next year. She said she's booked plenty of trips to Japan and has no problem booking all the Disney stuff. I was excited to have her as our agent, but then she started not replying to my emails and anytime I heard from her she was short and didn't answer any of my questions. I told her that if this project was too big and she didn't want to be our travel agent anymore that would be fine. She said she still wanted to be our agent.

I started getting nervous when she hadn't replied to my last two emails (that were sent two weeks apart). I reached out to my old travel agent, Kathleen, who has booked all of our large trips over the last few years. I didn't ask her to book this trip because I knew she wasn't as familiar with the Disney booking situation and that's where I kept getting stumped. She said she would be happy to book our trip, but she would need additional help to book the Disney side of things.

I jumped on the internet and found a cool website, Travel Leaders, that has a ton of travel agents listed on it. You can filter the agents by geographic location and destination specialities. I found one lady, Christina, that I thought would be a good fit. She was highly rated and her first two loves are Japan and Disney! I sent her a message and we set up a Zoom for the following night.

We ended up chatting for over an hour about our trip! She is so excited to be our travel agent! She explained that the Asia Disney Parks are very different than the ones in the US and booking can be a bit complicated. The hotel dates only open up THREE months in advance, so you have to be online and ready to click at the very second they are released. She said she can't book them for me since the Asia Disney's don't recognize travel agents. Once we have a plan she would be on the phone with me and walk me through how to book those hotels. For the rest of the trip (Flights, tours, hotels, etc) she would be able to book everything on our behalf! 

I sent Christina my itinerary and our budget and she asked me why I wasn't a travel agent. Seriously. Maybe in another life! I have a good feeling about her and I'm excited to move forward with all the trip planning!

After we made things official, I reached out to my local travel agent and Kathleen and let them know that I found someone else to help me with this trip.

While Theo was at PT I walked over to the bakery, Making Sweet Memories. They had so much good looking stuff, but they were closing soon. I took pictures and brought them back to the clinic. I showed the ladies there my pictures and asked if they wanted anything. I ended up placing three orders and the bakery lady was very happy! I got a slice of coffee cake, a cinnamon roll, and a couple buckeyes 😋 

Theo likes to be on the floor and he only tolerates sitting in his activity chair for about an hour. He out grew his Special Tomato floor sitter last year and I donated it to his old school. I hunted for a second hand size 3 Special Tomato but had a hard time finding a local one. So, I just bought a new one. It arrived on Saturday and Theo was very excited to sit up super strong! 

Josh had another long week at work. Mainline welding is done, so things should start to calm down now!

On Sunday we went to Costco for our family outing! Theo still loves to go on walks 🙂

Theo will be attending ESY this month. It's four days a week from 8 AM to Noon. I think all of his friends from his class will be there as will his teacher and Ms. Jess. I'm sure they will have a great time playing for the next four weeks!

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