Sunday, July 7, 2024

4th of July in Ohio

Josh told me a month ago that they were ahead of schedule at work. If that continued then they would shutdown for a four day weekend for the 4th of July! He suggested that we go out to Ohio to celebrate with my family.

As the 4th got closer it became more apparent that they would not get the four day weekend. Bummer. We weighted our options and decided that I should go to Ohio while Josh and Theo would stay home. Josh could work for a few days from home and it is much easier to watch Theo at home by yourself than to travel with him.

Monday, July 1st: HAPPY CANADA DAY!

Josh went to work and Theo and I went to OT. Theo did such a great job with all of his exercises, so he got extra swing time! He was even fine swinging during tummy time.

Tuesday, July 2nd:

Theo and I had an early day. First we went to PT at 7:30 AM with Becca and then we went to see Cole at Comprehensive Prosthetics and Orthotics (CPO). Cole showed me how to put Theo's TLSO vest on. He told me that Theo should be wearing it 24/7 especially when he is sleeping. We are going to work our way up to that! 

After seeing Cole we went to the grocery store to pick up a few things. While we were out shopping I noticed that Theo's PWS on his arms were getting very purple. I took a picture and sent it to Cole. He said that the vest may be a little tight. That afternoon I put the vest back on Theo and I took a few more pictures. I told Cole that it looked like the vest was too long and it was hitting Theo's chin. Cole agreed, so we made an appointment to go back and see him next week, so he could trim it down.

Later that afternoon Theo and I went to see Sherman and the ladies at The Legacy Ranch! They had Theo put him arms on the pillows for a couple minutes and encouraged him to lift his head up. Theo did a great job! 

Wednesday, July 3rd:

After Josh left for work I packed my bags and made sure everything was good with my rental car reservation. I took Theo to OT and then we met Josh in Shorewood where my rental car was parked. 

I started the journey to Cincinnati at about 2:30 PM. As I was driving I noticed that my ETA was going up significantly. I then got a notification that there was an accident ahead that was causing an hour delay. The backup got so bad that the GPS took me (and everyone else) off the freeway. Of course, this just caused the back roads to get congested. Luckily, I had a really good podcast to listen to and some snacks, so I was fine. I also just kept thinking about how awful this would have been with Theo. If the car is not moving than Theo is screaming. Not just crying, not just upset. But full on screaming 🤦‍♀️

I made it to my parents house about 45 minutes behind schedule. Easy peasy!


My parents neighborhood has a 4th of July party every year that is put on by the HOA. The festivities start off with a parade and then it moves on to a pool party!


[Brady and Ty]


[Ty and Tyson]

[Missy and her boys]

[Kayleen, Hayden, and Ryan]

We spent most of the afternoon at the pool. It was mostly cloudy and VERY humid, but overall a pretty nice day!

Other highlights from my trip:

Lunch and mani/pedis with Kayleen, Hurts Donuts 😋,

hiking in Clifton Gorge and getting lunch in Yellow Springs with Missy, 


and going to dinner at the Chart House with my parents.

[Gotta get the lava cake!]

I'm sad that Josh and Theo were not able to come with me this time, but I am glad that I was able to spend time with my family! Thanks for hosting me mom and dad! 

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