As per my plan, we all got up early and headed to the train station where we caught the BNSF Green line from Downers Grove to Chicago Union Station. The train left at 7:45 and arrived at 8:45.
[Porter and Luke with the best seats on the train!]
[Ryan and Cole]
[Jessi, Ally, and Braxton]
[Dane, Brady, and Brodee]
[Missy and Dane]
[Strollers everywhere!]
Josh had to go into work in the morning, so he drove into Chicago and met us at Union Station. From there we walked across the river and went to Sears/Willis Tower! We didn't have to wait in line too long before we were on an elevator heading to the 103rd floor!
[Smiles for Aunt Jessi]
After taking in the views of the city, we went to the Skydeck aka The LEDGE!
After proving how brave we were, we went on a long walk from Willis Tower to Millennium Park. It took about 20 minutes but it was starting to get HOT and I was getting worried about how much ground we were going to be able to cover.
At Millennium Park, we took pictures with "The Bean" (Cloud Gate), got a few pretzels to share, and then made a plan.

[Yes, it was THAT HOT!]
I knew that Ally, Jessi, Braxton, and Ryan really wanted to see the Planetarium, Aquarium, and Field Museum, so I told them that I didn't think they would be able to see Navy Pier and do all those other things today because the extreme heat (100 degree heat index) was going to slow them down. We agreed that I would take the group and head north to Navy Pier while Ally, Jessi, Braxton, and Ryan headed south to the Planetarium, Aquarium, and Field Museum.
Along the walk to Navy Pier I took the group to Stans Donuts, Garrets Popcorn, and the Nutella Cafe for some snacks!
We then crossed the river and Luke and Missy jumped on an Architecture Boat Tour (my #1 favorite thing to do in Chicago) while dad, mom, Josh, Brodee, Brady, Theo, Porter, Cole, and I continued to Navy Pier.
Once we arrived at Navy Pier, the group split up some more. Josh, Brodee, and Brady went on an Extreme Seadog boat ride; Dad and Dane rode the Centennial Ferris wheel; and Mom and I watched the babies (Cole, Theo, and Porter).
The Extreme Seadog is a 30 minute super fast boat ride that does 360s and super slides. Josh and the boys had a blast and getting soaked was an added bonus on that HOT Chicago day!
Since Dane was too short to go on the Extreme Seadog, I thought it would be fun for him and Papa to take ride on the Centennial Wheel. They had a fun time, and Dane said they went "really high!"
[Theo napping]
[This is why I CAN'T cut his hair! Baby curls!]
While everyone was on their various rides, I ordered two pizzas from Giordano's. I called Luke and Missy and asked them to pick them up on their way to meet us on Navy Pier. The group then gathered and we had a delicious lunch of Meat and More Meat and BBQ Chicken pizza!
After lunch we headed to a splash pad at the beginning of Navy Pier. The boys had a lot of fun playing in the water!
After the splash pad, Luke and Missy hurried back to Millennium Park so they could go to the Art Institute of Chicago.

Mom, Dad, Josh, Brodee, Brady, Dane, Cole, Theo, Porter, and I slowly made our way to Crown Fountain via the Lakefront Trail.
[Super Grandma! Pushing Cole AND Dane in 100 degree heat is no easy thing!]
Once we got to Crown Fountain the boys got back in their swim suits and played in the water while we waited for Luke and Missy to join us. While we were there Ryan showed up and said that he had a fun time with Jessi, Ally, and baby Braxton.
The group then made the long walk back to Union Station where they all boarded a train back to Downers Grove.
Josh and I stayed in the city and went to Siena Tavern for our second date night (no kids) since Theo was born. We got some delicious food and had so much fun just spending time together.
Overall it was a HOT but fun day in Chicago! I hope everyone loves this city as much as I do!
Thanks to everyone for taking Theo and Brodee back with you so Josh and I could have a date night!
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