Tuesday, February 12, 2019

South American and Antarctic Adventure! Volume II: Zaandam Cruise, Part IV: Puerto Chacabuco, Chile

December 21st:

On Friday morning, the Zaandam cruised up the Aysen Fjord and tendered at Puerto Chacabuco.

Just like the two previous days, we ate breakfast, went outside and took a few pictures of the port, and then headed to the MainStage to pick up our stickers for our "Northern Patagonia and Coyhaique City" tour.

We took a tender to shore where we met up with our tour guide.

During the 50 mile drive to the Simpson River Reserve, we were told about the history of the area. Sadly, the microphone in the bus didn't work and we only heard about half of what she said. 

We arrived at the Simpson River Reserve and went on a little stroll along the river. The huge granite rocks reminded me of Yosemite. 

After about 30 minutes we headed back to the bus and got settled in our seats. The tour guide came through and did a count. We were missing two people. The tour guides on the other buses counted their people and their numbers were off also. It took a while to figure out, but turns out two people from our bus got on another bus by mistake. It took so long to figure this out that we were not able to stop at the Alto Baguales viewpoint on our way to Coyhaique City.

Once we got everyone on the right buses we headed out to Coyhaique City, which is the capital of the region.

[Coyhaique City is nestled at the base of the mountain in the background]

We arrived at Coyhaique City and were told we had just 30 minutes to walk around the main square and market.

After looking around the beautiful mountain town (it remained me of Park City, Utah), we jumped back on the bus (everyone was accounted for!) and headed to a restaurant where we had some snacks waiting for us.

[Such a great view!]

After our snack we hopped back on the bus and headed back towards Puerto Chacabuco.

 Along the way we stopped at the Cascada La Virgen waterfall. It wasn't too impressive, but it was a nice break from being on the bus.

We then drove through the city of Aysen, crossing over the Aysen River on the Puente Presidente Ibanez bridge.

[It was modeled after the Golden Gate Bridge, but on a MUCH smaller scale]

[Aysen River]

The weather was perfect, so as we were leaving Puerto Chacabuco, Josh and I went up on deck to take some pictures.

After we sailed away from Puerto Chacabuco we cruised through the Aysen Fjord and towards the Messier Channel. 

That night we played Team Trivia, had dinner at the dinning room, and then went to the MainStage to see the amazingly talented Natalie Toro perform. She is a Broadway star who played leading roles in Les Miserables, CATS, Evita, and Jesus Christ Superstar. She was so fun to listen to!

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