Friday, September 29, 2023

New England Trip Prep, Theo's Sick, & My Parents Visit

I had a lot to do this week to get ready for my trip to New England with Ally. Poor Theo caught a little cold before I left, but my parents were here to help!

Monday, September 25th:

Theo went to school, Josh went to work, and I ran some errands and worked out.

Ms Jess sent me a funny video of Theo running down bowling pins in his stander. He thought it was hilarious! 

Theo also had OT at school and they said he did really well with textures and using lefty!

[Lunch in my new Costco bowls!]

Theo had five observable seizures today.

Tuesday, September 26th:

I put Theo on the bus and then I went for a run before going to get my allergy shots.

After school I took Theo to PT/OT and he worked really hard with Ms Cody and Ms Laura.

Theo had seven observable seizures today.

Wednesday, September 27th:

Theo only had a half day, so he was home from school by noon.

Josh has been using his CWI cert at work a lot. He says it's entertaining, but a lot of work since he has all the duties of the Chief Inspector on top of a Welding Inspector.

That afternoon we had a pretty intense storm roll through. It rained a ton, but we didn't have any flooding. It gave me a chance to catch our rain-chains in action!

That afternoon Ms. Jen came over and we had a Zoom with Ms. Jeannine.

Theo had three observable seizures today.

Thursday, September 28th:

Theo started coughing in the morning and we got an email from the school letting us know that most of the kids were out sick with a cold. I decided to play it safe and keep Theo home for the rest of the week, so we could do respiratory therapy every four hours.

Later that night my parents arrived from Ohio! I am so glad they were able to come in early to watch Theo for me!

[Adorable art from Theo's cousins]

[He's sooooo tired]

Theo had three observable seizures today.

Friday, September 29th:

Theo was still coughing in the morning, so he stayed home with my parents while I went and got my hair cut.

I spent the day packing and making sure everything was in order for our New England trip. That afternoon my dad drove me to the airport so I could catch my flight to Boston!

Theo had three observable seizures today.

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