Sunday, December 3, 2023

Seeing Sherman TWICE!

My amazing friend Kenny is currently in the ICU on a ventilator fighting for his life. I love this family so much (you probably recognize his wife, Emily, is one of my best friends). They need your thoughts, prayers, and good vibes. Donations are always welcome too.

Monday, November 27th:

After I sent Theo off to school and worked out, I went shopping for Theo's Christmas gifts. Every year we give all of Theo's teachers, therapist, bus drivers, and classmates gifts. This year we have gift cards, cocoa tubes, and plenty of candy! Theo will pass them out to everyone the week before Christmas.

When Theo got off the bus I noticed he was wearing someone else's beanie. I guess Theo and one of his classmates both threw off their beanies and someone found this one and assumed it was Theo's. I don't blame them! It's super cute AND Star Wars! 

Theo had a great day at school, but he definitely needed a nap when he got home.

I only get to watch a few Lakers games a year, so imagine my disappointment when I finally get to watch a game and this happens:

Theo had two observable seizures today.

Tuesday, November 28th

It was COLD this morning! I had to bundle Theo in his Antarctica blanket before putting him on the bus. 

After school I took Theo to PT/OT and then to The Legacy Ranch to see Sherman!

At the end of their lessons Sherman likes to come over and say goodbye to Theo. This time Theo was very interested in petting him. Maybe he'll let Sherman give him a kiss next time!

Theo had nine observable seizures today.

Wednesday, November 29th:

Theo missed his lessons with Sherman last week because he was sick. Since Theo had an early out today, we were able to reschedule his lesson for today!

After we saw Sherman Theo had feeding/speech at home with Ms. Jen and his dietitian, Ms. Jeannine, joined us via Zoom. 

That night we changed Theo's g-tube. He has a small sore that has been giving us grief. We are trying to keep the area clean and hopefully the new tube with help too.

Theo had four observable seizures today.

Thursday, November 30th:

Theo headed off to school and Josh went to work. I got an email from Make A Wish letting us know that they can not gift us a Swim Spa. And that's perfectly fine. We appreciate them selecting Theo, so we are going back to the drawing board. 

After school I took Theo to OT and Josh went to the dentist. He has one cavity, so they are going to fill it next week.

Fun art from Theo that is going up on the wall:

Theo had four observable seizures today.

Friday, December 1st:

Josh had a rain out at work, so we decided to run a few errands. First stop: REI! I traded in my boots for a larger size (they are just a tad too tight) and we got some new gloves. Then we swung by Costco and Home Depot where we got these adorable Christmas pots!

Josh then took Theo to PT while I went and saw the new Disney movie, Wish. It was sooooo good and I cried so much. I've been feeling a lot of strong emotions this week. Watching from a distance as my best friend goes through one of the most awful experiences is heart wrenching. I just love that family so much and I wish I knew how to help more.

Theo had nine observable seizures today.


It rained over the weekend and Josh had to work on Saturday, so we didn't go anywhere.

I was able to participate in a giving extravaganza this week that was coordinated by Sharon McMahon on IG. We were able to raise money for a family that lost their house in a fire and for a family that was trying to buy a wheelchair accessible van for their child. We were also able to raise over $600,000 to help relieve medical debt through RIP Medical, which will erase 60 MILLION dollars in medial debt. I just love this time of year! It seems the Christmas Spirit encourages people to be more giving and kind.

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