Thursday, February 1, 2024

Josh Working in Florida & Theo and Courtney at Home

Monday, January 30th:

Theo headed off to school while I held down the fort at home. The contractor has done all they can for now and they need the tile guy to finish his part before they can move forward. The tile guy was originally scheduled to start on February 12th, but it sounds like he may be able to move it up!

This Super Bowl is going to be a good one... hopefully.

While Theo was at school I opened all the windows and doors for 5 minutes. This is supposed to help improve indoor air quality. Apparently you are supposed to do this everyday even during the winter. We defiantly need it in this house because of all the construction dust.

I love it when Theo comes home with some art!

Theo had three observable seizures today.

Tuesday, January 30th:

After Theo went to school I went to run some errands around town. I'm still getting my allergy shots once a week and I feel like they are really helping!

After school I took Theo to PT/OT and then to The Legacy Ranch to see Sherman!

Theo had 10 observable seizures today.

Wednesday, January 31st:

Theo had an early-out today, so he was only at school for a few hours. After he got home he wanted to play and not take a nap!

The contractor stopped by real quick to remove the two doors that were warped. They ordered new ones and will put those in after the tile is placed.

Theo holding hands with his friend at school! Awww!

I put Theo in his swing and he was VERY happy! 

Later that afternoon Theo had feeding therapy with Ms. Jen. He ate a whole "star" and was very proud of himself!

Theo had six observable seizures today.

Thursday, February 1st:

After Theo got on the bus and went to school I headed to Midway to pick up Josh. We missed him!

[Poor kid bruises like his mama]

Josh was in Florida with my dad and Uncle Walt for a few days. They worked hard painting and touching up the Archfeld house.

[Dinner at Disney Springs]


The stairs were in really rough shape. I think people just don't care if they scratch your paint with their suitcases. Why should they? It's not their home.


Everything looks so much better! Thanks guys for all your hard work!

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