Thursday, May 17, 2018

Occupational Therapy Evaluation and Cranial Technologies

On Monday, May 14th, Theo and I went to Peoria for a check up with Theo's Neurosurgeon, Dr. Lin. After he examined Theo I told him that Theo's Physical Therapist and I had discussed the possibility of him getting a helmet to help with his plagiocephaly. The PT thinks that Theo's development would improve greatly if his head was shaped correctly. Dr. Lin agreed and wrote up a prescription for Theo.

Our Pediatrician was also hesitant to get Theo a helmet because he doesn't like how over-prescribed they are. Most normally developing kids' heads will even out with time. People are too quick to jump on the bandwagon and get their kids helmets when they are not needed. There are exceptions and Theo is one of them. At nine months old he should already be sitting up and starting to crawl. He can't even hold his head up and he spends a lot of time on his back or side, instead of sitting up like most babies do at nine months.

On Wednesday, May 16th, Theo and I drove north to Cranial Technologies for our consultation. We met with an Occupational Therapist who explained what plagiocephaly is and how their helmets could help him. They also got a high resolution photo of his head so we could get a better look at what exactly is wrong. 

[Since Theo is not able to sit up on his own, we had to have someone grab his chin and hold him in place to get the picture. That is why his face looks smooched in the photos.]

The Occupational Therapist said that he qualifies based on the severity of his plagiocephaly and brachycephaly. She said that he would need to wear the helmet 23 hours a day for 16 weeks. He only concern is if they aren't able to get a high resolution photo then they can't make the helmet. Theo needs to sit up on his own for a few seconds so they can get a picture. She said that next time we come in they will do EVERYTHING in their power to get that picture, but there is a small chance they won't be able to. Keep your fingers crossed for us! I really think that his helmet can be a huge turning point (literally) for Theo and his physical development. 

Today, May 17th, Theo had his Occupational Therapy evaluation by Glady. She is so nice and did such a great job handling Theo! She is going to recommend that Theo has OT once a week with her. Our 6 month goals include Theo turning his head to track toys, grabbing toys, and getting his leg muscles loose (with massages) so he can bounce. 

For those of you keeping track, here is Theo's schedule:
- Physical Therapy once a week
- Developmental Therapy (Eye Specialist) once a week
- Occupational Therapist once a week
- Chiropractor visit 2-3 times a week
- Developmental Therapy (General) once a month
- Check ups with Neurosurgeon once every three months (until next surgery)
- Check ups with Interventional Radiology once every three months (until next surgery)
- Check ups with Neurologist once every three months
- Check ups with Pediatrician once every three months
- Check up with Ophthalmologist once every six months

Phew!! Did I miss anyone?!

I am so grateful that we have so many wonderful people that are on "Team Theo!" We are willing to work hard and do whatever it takes to get him the help he needs!

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