Our Physical Therapist, Katie, came by yesterday for another session. She showed me a lot of exercises that I can do with Theo to help him with his motor skills. At his first evaluation he was at a 2 month level for his motor skills. We need to get his caught up!
(1) Finding Toes
Theo has been reaching for his toes, but he hasn't been able to reach them yet. To help him with this I lay him on his back, with pillows under his head and legs, and help him reach his toes.
(2) "Tummy! Tummy! Tummy! So BIG"
We are working on getting Theo to move his arms symmetrically and learn some of his body parts. I hold his hands, touch his tummy three times, and say "Tummy! Tummy! Tummy!" Then I left his arms straight over heard and say "So BIG!"

(3) Belly Shake
Theo likes to throw his head back and arch his back. This is a habit we are trying to break him of. One way we are working on it is to have him sit on my lap, I support his head with my arm (careful not to touch is back), and anytime he starts to arch his back I shake his belly. The belly shake helps Theo to relax and lean forward. If I put my hand on his back he will push back on it so I try my hardest to keep my hands off his back during the day.
(4) Theo Relax
Another way I can get Theo to relax and focus on not arching his back is to have him sit on my lap and pull his knees in.
(5) Theo Rollup
Theo needs to work on tucking his chin in and not throwing his head back. I lay him on the blanket and pull him up to a sitting position, while keeping his chin tucked. We do this ten times in a row.
(5) Tummy Time
We are still working on tummy time even though Theo hates it. I put a boppy under his chest to help him.
(6) Roll Over and Side Time
Theo rolls onto his side, but if he keeps his head thrown back or his back arched, he can't roll over. We are working on getting his back straight and his chin tucked.
[Before - head back, arched back]
[After - chin tucked, back straight]
(7) Chair Time
While Theo is sitting in his chair we work on playing with toys and holding his head up.
We have a lot of work to do, but we are determined to get Theo's motor skills caught up!
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