Theo is nine months old! He is 18lbs 4 ounces and 29.5 inches long. He’s back in the 50th percentile for weight (he lost a little weight after his surgery), so the doctor is happy about that, and he’s still in the top percentile for height and head circumference (go figure).
We’ve had such a great month!
Theo has been going to the chiropractor three times a week and LOVES it! He does such a great job and holds pretty still while the doctors adjust him. It helps that Dr. Brett and Dr. Janet (a mother/daughter team) are so good with him!
Theo has also been having physical therapy once a week. We are working on getting Theo to not throw his head back and arch his back. It’s a lot of work, but he is improving. I just have to keep helping him tuck his chin in. He is rolling over like a pro but when he gets onto his tummy he starts to panic. He really hates being on his tummy!
Theo and I met with the Developmental Therapist, Sara, who specializes in eyes today. She was great with Theo! She was pretty impressed with him and how he is doing, but she does have a few concerns. She thinks he may have Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI). According to the linked website, "CVI is caused by damage to the visual centers of the brain, which interferes with communication between the brain and the eyes. The eyes are able to see, but the brain is not interpreting what is being seen." She said that it can be hard to diagnose because Theo’s motor skills are a little behind. Once we get those caught up then she will have a better idea of why he is (or isn’t) doing certain things. She is recommending that she comes once a week and she wants to have a meeting with the Physical Therapist so they can come up with a plan. She showed me some exercises to do with him and suggested a few things that I should buy. Since he may be over stimulated and having a hard time focusing on one thing, so she suggested I get a black box and put one toy in there at a time so that he can just focus on that toy without any background noise. She also had a big pompom, ribbon, and an emergency blanket that Theo really liked so we are giving those a shot!
Theo will also be seeing a Developmental Therapist once a month and we will hopefully be meeting with the Occupational Therapist soon.
Theo’s improvements this month include: rolling from his back to tummy and then from tummy to back; eating sweet potatoes, chocolate, and other baby food; “talking” A LOT more; sitting on my lap and holding is head up (all by himself) for TWO minutes; AND he laughed (FINALLY

Theo continues to be such a sweet boy and we love him so much!
[Fist bump!]
[I think he's so cute when he sucks in his bottom lip]
[Theo has been doing so great with his eating]
[Cuddles with dad]
[I'm practicing my baby-wearing skills for Disneyland]
[Of course, right after I took Theo's "Spring is Here" photos it decided to snow!]
[Theo loves his big boy chair]
[The weather has been nice lately so Theo and I have been able to get out and go for a few walks]
[He loves it!]
[I spy on my baby while he sleeps]
[I got these shirts for Theo's first trip to Disneyland!]
[Josh and Theo FaceTime-ing with Brodee]
[Josh doing exercises with Theo]
[Bathing suites for Theo! I also got him a big white hat and sunglasses!]
[Now that it's warm outside I have been putting Theo in shorts. His PWS are now exposed and he has been getting some double takes. If people notice them I quickly tell them what it is because I don't want them to feel embarrassed or think that he got hurt (do they look like burns?)]
Theo and I FaceTime with Josh as often as we can. It's hard when he works so much (don't get me wrong, I am very grateful he has a job). But I want to make sure Theo gets to hear his voice as often as he can.
Even though Josh is working seven days a week, we still try to have a date night once a week. Last weekend Theo and I drove up to Plainfield so we could order his birthday cake from Milettes Cakes.
After ordering the cake, we walked around downtown Plainfield and went and got some sushi. Josh's phone didn't stop ringing or beeping the whole time we were at dinner. I guess that's what happens when you are the boss! ;-)
As for me, I continue to be a stay-at-home-mom (SAHM). I work out six days a week and continue to follow my Nutrisystem plan. I got frustrated last week because I hit a plateau and I shouldn't have (I still have A LOT to lose) so I went and saw a Family Doctor so I could get some blood work done. I was curious to see if my thyroid was having trouble and that was the reason I've been having such a hard time losing weight. Come on! I eat right (Nutrisystem is expensive and not worth cheating on!) and I work out six days a week, what am I missing here? It has to be my thyroid, right?
I got a call from the doctors office informing me that all my blood work looks great. My cholesterol is perfect as is my thyroid. UGH! I've never been so sad to hear good news.
Any advise would be greatly appreciated at this point!
[Me doing my exercise video]
That's a wrap on this month! We are so excited for this next month. We are going to spend the weekend in Chicago with one of my best friends, Katey, and her husband Paul. And then Theo and I are going on vacation with my parents. We are spending one week in Utah and two weeks in CA! I am so excited!
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