Monday, May 24, 2021

May Madness, IEP Meeting, and McKinley Woods

This is Theo's last full week of school! I can't believe he finishes his final week of First Year Preschool next Thursday!

Theo is continuing to work with his new speech book. I am having him pick out which toy he wants. He will look at the book and smile when I mention a toy he wants, but he's not pointing them out yet. Baby steps.

We have another nest outside our window. We can't see it as well as the one last year, so I haven't been documenting it.

[Theo laying on his toys at OT]

"May Madness" continues! On Tuesday, May 18th, it was "Crazy Hat Day."

[Cute gift from his Vision therapist]

On Wednesday, May 19th, I had a Zoom with Theo's teachers, therapist, and school representatives to discuss his IEP. They all had such nice things to say about him. His classroom teacher, Mrs. DiLorenzo, talked about how much he has improved and how the kids LOVE to make him laugh in class. She mentioned a few girls that have really taken a liking to Theo! All of the therapist talked about Theo's progress and how excited they are to work with him again in the Fall. A teacher with Extended School Year (ESY) was there and she said that they are ready for him! They seem a little nervous, but it'll be fine!

At school Theo had to dress up as who (or what) he wanted to be when he grew up. We chose Batman! Who doesn't want to be Batman?!

That night we went for a walk and Theo rode his Amtryke! He did super well holding his head up and even reached up to hold onto the handlebars!

Thursday, May 20th, was "Sports Fan" day! GO LAKERS!

Playoffs start on Sunday!

We had a crazy heatwave and have been in a drought. It's been a little rough on our new plants! We are determined to save them and there is rain coming!

Josh rented this cool device that brings up all of the dead grass. There was so much of it!

BUUUUUTTTTT that is when our allergies started! All three of us have been sneezing and coughing. Poor Theo has a red nose!

On Sunday, May 23rd, we went on a family outing to McKinley Woods. It was a short walk from the parking lot to the river. It was a little hot and humid, but very nice in the shade!

[Crossing the I & M Canal]

[Des Plaines River]

I finished my first Cycle Series on out new bike! It was so much fun!

Just funny stuff:

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