Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

I don't really express my appreciation for my mom as often as I should, its something that I am working on, so I would like to show all of you why my mom is amazing.

She has always been an example to me and I love her for that. She has always been there when I need her. She will answer her phone and listen to me complain about my life and she never once said it was my fault or that I was in a bad situation because of my poor choices (even if it was my fault). She never once let me think that I was of less worth then I am. She has done so much for me and I could never repay her for that.

My mom is a beautiful woman (inside and out)

My mom married this handsome man...

...and together they had these awesome kids!

We were raised to be honest, true, moral, and just all around good people. My mom taught us not to settle and to aspire to be better people in all that we do.

Not only do you need a mom that is an example to you, you need a mom that is adventurous and knows how to have a good time.

Bottom line: you would have to be a great person to put up with us!

Mom, I love you and I appreciate all that you have done for me. Its hard living so far away from you and I look forward to seeing you again in a few months for the Canada trip. 

Happy Mothers Day!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Lakers (what else?) and upcoming post

Right now I am watching the Laker/Jazz game. Lakers are up 34 to 26. Does that shock anyone? 

It shouldn't. 

I think its funny how people blog about American Idol and The Biggest Loser and The Bachelor, and Im sitting here writing about the Lakers.  


That is what the crowd is cheering right now! They are talking about the skilled Kobe Bryant. He is the shiz!

I can't blog right now... as you can see Im a little distracted... Nice shot Pau... Time-out Jazz...

Upcoming topics:
**Note: These are not in any kind of order
(1) The Lakers - Cause they are amazing

(2) Evolution - I recently had a cousin of mine e-mail me and ask me to explain evolution to her. I think it's an interesting topic that a lot of people claim to understand but, alas, they don't.
(3) Global warming - I hate how we are listening to stupid politicians and not to scientist
(4) Um... movies? Yea movies! I've seen a lot of good ones lately and I will share my reviews of them with you.

(5) I've had to say good-bye to a lot of my friends. Some of us have been buddies all through college. I will miss them so much! I'll post pictures.


Thanks for reading : )