Monday, January 8, 2018

Theo's Five Months Old

Theo is five months old today! Where has my baby gone?! Theo loves to sleep, smile, and have books read to him. To say he loves his paci is an understatement. This last month he got a little cold/cough but he didn’t let it damper his spirit. He is such a sweet boy and we love him so much! 

[He loves to cuddle with his blanket]

[Lakers fan!]

[All of his "baby hair" has fallen out except this patch on the back of his head]

[I love his double chin!]

[Getting too big for the changing table]

Theo had his first baby food today! He tried bananas! He only ate a couple of bites before he was done. Maybe we will try something sweeter, like peaches or apples, next time.

[All done!]

I started to get worried about Theo's development this month. He can hold up his head sometimes, but when he does it's very bobble-head-like. He will hold it up when he does tummy time but he HATES it. He's also not reaching for toys or laughing yet. He does smile, make eye contact, follow toys, and interact with me which makes me feel a little bit better. The Neurosurgeon told us that Theo's aneurysm can cause some developmental delays. Theo and I have an appointment with Dr. Fraser of Neurovascular and Interventional Radiology tomorrow so I will ask him what he thinks. It's hard to know who to ask which questions to when Theo has so many doctors and specialist (15 to be exact) who are looking out for him.

Speaking of Doctors, we had to cancel our appointment with the Geneticist because I got so sick during Christmas break. We did get a call from the Genetics office and they told us that they want to do a complete DNA makeup for Josh, Theo, and I. All three of us will have our blood taken and they will do a full analysis. They are checking with our insurance right now to see if it will be covered and if so we will proceed. 

 Josh went back to work after we got home at the beginning of January. He took over as Chief Inspector in the middle of last year, so this is his first complete year as Chief. He will kick off the phase and be there when it's finished. I am so proud of him for his huge accomplishment! Thanks for working so hard to provide for our little family!

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