Friday, November 9, 2018

Theo's 15th Months Old

This has BY FAR been Theo’s toughest month.

On October 10th we met with a Feeding/Speech Therapist. We put Theo in his feeder chair and we worked on different ways that I can feed Theo. She said that he is very comfortable with his bottle, Paci, and spoon (sometimes), but we need to try different foods too. She told me to give him cut up puffs throughout the day and encourage him to eat other foods with his hands. She also suggested I get a Nosey Cut Out Cup (we practiced on Theo with the one she brought) and start to feed Theo with that too.

[Eating his Lil' Biscuit]

On October 11th Theo "graduated" from Cranial Technologies! His head is not perfect, BUT it is so much better than it was! We are so happy to be done with the DOC Band, but we loved our OT, Abby, at Cranial Technologies and would highly recommend them.

On October 12th we had our six month meeting with our Early Interventions team. They are adding Speech/Feeding therapy twice a month and Nutrition twice a month (for those keeping track we have 23 sessions a month). OT and PT will also be submitting for prosthetics and a HeadPod to help Theo with his head control.

Theo got a new therapy chair! He was out growing his old one so we decided to buy this beautiful Special Tomato Feeder Seat.

[Working on feeding]

[Playing with his light board]

[We got a computer tray for Theo to use while he sits in his "big boy chair"]

On October 15th Theo went to the hospital for his third embolization and ended up staying for 19 days and getting a VP shunt (long story - see previous posts).

On November 2nd we were released from the hospital. We are now at home fighting to get back to normal. Theo's pain (caused by the blood in his ventricles) seems to be getting better and I'm hoping we can start weaning him off of his pain medicine soon. 

They wouldn't let us take Theo home without an NG tube (since he wasn't eating from his bottle at the hospital). Now that we are at home he is having a hard time taking his bottle (totally freaks out when he sees it coming) and I worry that he will become reliant on the NG tube and not want his bottle anymore.

Once Theo started feeling better, we gave him a hair cut. It's not great, but he looks a lot better!

After his haircut we put a shampoo shower cap (from the hospital) on him to help get the rest of the goopy stuff (from the EEG electrodes) out of his hair.

[Much better!] 

[Eye lashes for days!] 

[Getting his Paci] 

On November 4th and 8th our Feeding Therapist came over. She suggested that we dip his nipple in various foods and feed him with it. That way he won't just associate his bottle with milk.

[Sugar, squash, peaches, and prunes]

[Happy boy]

[Using an electric toothbrush to help stimulate his mouth and face]

We also went back to PT on November 8th. I was nervous, since Theo was still in some pain, but I thought it would help with his "stranger danger" and it would be better to ease him back into therapy slowly. Becca played with Theo for a while while he was still in his carseat (his "safe place") and then she took him out and held him. They played with his Paci and she even got him to smile! Theo did fantastic! Becca always does a great job with him and he had so much fun!

[I guess winter is here!] 

This month has been a HUGE trial for us, but my Grandmother always says, "This too shall pass." I believe that. I have faith that things will get better. I'm hopeful that the worst is behind us and I can spend the next 15 months watching my little boy grow and develop. Thank you everyone for your continued thoughts, prayers, and good vibes! We love everyone who has supported us during this rough month!

[My happy little boy!]

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