Monday, February 4, 2019

We Moved to Sherdian

I know people think we are crazy for living full-time in the Raptor, but there is a reason for the madness. Josh's job is VERY unpredictable. Plain and simple. He could lose his job tomorrow. Or he could be sent to Virginia, or North Dakota, or Texas with just a minutes notice. Literally!

Yes, I would LOVE to rent a house or apartment. But most places want a long term contract. We also have very little furniture, so if we rented something we would have to furnish it. It's a pain. I know.

And hindsight is 20/20. We've been in the same spot for three years. And before that we were in the same spot for two years. And before that we were in the same spot for almost a year. You just don't know!

If I had known we would be here for three years OF COURSE I would have rented a house or apartment. But, like I said, you just don't know!

So, one of Josh's co-workers was told he would be this area for a few years, so he bought a house. And whaddaya know?! He's starting a job in Texas this week!

He doesn't have time to sell it, or move everything out of it, so he asked us if we wanted to rent it. 

And we said YES! 

It's a cute three bedroom house with attached garage in a small neighborhood. We are still out in the farming suburbs (I'd like to be closer to the city eventually), but we get to BE IN A HOUSE! Yay! 

Josh's coworker is going to leave all of his furniture and most of his things, so we don't really need much.

AND the house is only a 20 minutes north of Marseilles (where we are currently) so all of Theo's therapist's agreed to continue to see him! Yay! We are further from the hospital, but hopefully (*knock on wood*) we won't have to go down there as often.

Even though the Raptor did very well during the Polar Vortex, our campground had issues with their water pipes freezing. Since the campground lost water on Thursday (January 31st) we decided to head over early to our new house. We packed up a few suitcases, Theo's pack n play, and a few other items, and headed over to our new home.

[Guest Room 1]

[Guest Room 2/Theo's Room]


[Mud/Laundry Room]

[Family Room]

[Sun room]

[Master bedroom]

[Master bathroom]


[Freezer full of elk!] 

[HUGE garage] 

On Saturday morning, Josh went to work and Theo and I went to the Raptor to start packing up. You don't need to pack up everything when you move trailers, but anything that is loose and can fly off the shelves and break needs to be secured. It took about three hours to get everything packed up and by the time I finished, Josh was home from work and my parents had arrived.

I took mom and Theo to our new house, while dad and Josh worked on getting the trailer ready for transport (taking off the skirting, unplugging the power and water, winterizing the pipes, and getting the slides in).

After the guys were done, we all went to Salsa Verde in Yorkville for dinner. It's nice that we are only 30 minutes from the suburbs instead of an hour!

We all stayed at our new place Saturday night and then Josh and dad went back to Marseilles on Sunday morning to get the Raptor. Since we had sold the truck last year we didn't have a way of moving the Raptor. Josh asked one of his co-workers to come and tow the Raptor for us (Thanks Jery!). 

Once we got the Raptor parked in the driveway we were able to unload it. Since there were four of us we were able to get everything unloaded before the Super Bowl started! Yay!

[Dining Room]

[Guest Room 2/Theo's Room]

[Josh makes the best guac!]

To be honest, I'm nervous about being in a house. It's so much bigger than the Raptor, which mean it's going to be harder to clean and cost more to cool and heat. BUT having more space is going to be so nice for Theo. 

I'm still shocked at how much stuff we have. How did we fit all of our things comfortably in the Raptor?! It's insane! 

Hopefully I'll be done unpacking in a few days and this house will feel more like home then 🙂

Thanks mom and dad for coming and helping us move!

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