Monday, June 1, 2020

Last Week of "Quarantine"

On Monday, May 25th, George Floyd was murdered by a police officer in Minnesota. It was all caught on film. We watched as the, now former, police officer dug his knee into Floyd's neck until he died. I've seen the video many times and it causes my stomach to hurt every time. Since the video was released there have been massive protest around the United States and the world. These protesters are demanding change. We need change. We've seen this before. We saw it with Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, and countless others. It's heartbreaking. We can do better. I can do better. I'm here and I'm listening.


Theo has had a rough week. He's been throwing up a lot since we changed his Milk of Magnesia dose. As a result, he hasn't wanted to work hard and do his exercises. I don't blame him.

[Who needs a headrest?!]

[My handsome guys!] 

Friday (May 29th) morning I noticed some blood trickling out of Theo’s right ear. The fluid was pretty bloody and mucous-y. We took him to the Pediatrician and they think he has an ear infection, but they can’t get a good look because of all the gunky stuff in his ear. SOOOO Theo has been super crabby. I don’t blame him. His ear hurts, his tummy hurts, and he is just not in a good mood. Hopefully the antibiotics will help clear things up soon. 

On Friday, May 29th, Illinois entered Phase 3 of re-opening and the Governors "Stay at Home" order expired. We, of course, are staying safe, but are glad that things are opening back up. We have been under "quarantine" for 82 days. And yes, I know it's not a real quarantine (hence the air quotes), and we started our self isolation early because Theo got sick, but I'm ready to move forward (slowly and safely).

[Sitting on a stool]

We've been trying to make eating fun. So, we invited Theo's favorite guys over for a dinner party. Theo would hit his red button and it would say, "Baby Shark's turn," so Baby Shark would get some vegan cool whip. Theo would hit the button again and it would say, "Baby Yoda's turn," so Baby Yoda would get some vegan cool whip. You get the idea, right?

Theo is pretty smart! When the button says, "Mommy's turn" Theo watches me to make sure I take a bite!

But when it got to Bee-Bo's turn Theo was NOT having it! "NOOOO! NOT BEE-BO! That's my best friend!"

On Saturday (May 30th) we watched the shuttle launch! It was pretty cool! Space is awesome!

[On my way to my goal!]

I kept complaining about how loud our sump pump was, so Josh decided to upgrade the valve so it doesn't make noise any more! YAY! He also decided to add a back up just in case the first pump fails. We don't want our basement to flood!



[Poor kid has blood and pus coming out of his right ear. Ugh. He's not feeling well.]

[We managed to get a few things done this week]

On Sunday we had a huge Zoom party for my Aunt Lisa's birthday! It was so fun to see my family!

During our tele-therapy with Theo's OT we learned that she will be able to see him in the clinic starting on June 11th! YAY! We also talked to PT and they will be able to start seeing Theo at the clinic that week too! I can't wait!

As of right now we will be able to see PT and OT in person, but we will have to continue to do Feeding, Speech, Nutrition, DT, and DTV on tele-therapy. Hopefully we will be able to see them in person too, but we need to be patient and safe.

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