Sunday, December 6, 2020

Craniotomy Recovery and Stitch Infection

We spent the next couple of days at home just recovering and relaxing.

[Craniotomy scar and EVD stitch]

The Lakers resigned LeBron and AD! AND the season starts on December 22nd! It's gonna be another great season for us!

Before Thanksgiving one of our neighbors posted in our neighborhood Facebook page that she was collecting items for a local charity. We ran to Costco, donated the items, and then the neighbor added me as a friend on Facebook. We have not met any of our neighbors in person. I wave to them as I'm driving through the neighborhood and I waved to them from my door on Halloween, but other then that we do not know anyone.

The day after we got home from the hospital our neighbor sent me a message telling me that she was going to buy us dinner, have it sent to our house, and she wouldn't take no for an answer. Ugh. Charity. I have a hard time accepting charity or help for that matter. I just don't feel like I need it and there are a lot of people out there in need. BUT I was told by a wise person (Missy) to not be selfish and I need to let people serve me since service isn't just about the recipient.

I told our neighbor that we love Giordano's (who doesn't?!) and the next day a BBQ chicken pizza and cheese curds showed up at our door! Thanks neighbor!

Another neighbor sent us this mouth water, homemade cinnamon pound cake! It was by far the best pound cake I have ever had! Thanks other neighbor!

Over the next few days Theo continued to attend his lessons and watch his Cow Class videos.

On Thursday, December 3rd, we noticed that the stitch on the back of Theo's head was starting to get red, warm, and scabby. We took a picture of it and sent it off to the Vascular Neurosurgery team.

[See how it protrudes?]

The next morning, December 4th, while Theo was watching his videos, I got a message from the nurse telling us to bring him in to see her at INI. Bummer. 

I told Josh and we both decided it would be good to back a bag for Theo just incase he needs to be re-admitted to the hospital.

A few hours later we met with the nurses at INI and they decided that re-admitting Theo to the hospital was the best thing to do. The stitch was clearly infected and Theo needed to be on antibiotics.

We left the INI, drove across the street to the hospital, and checked back into the exact same room we were discharged from just a few days earlier.

That night Dr Garst told us that we have two options: one, they can give Theo a bunch of meds to "relax him" and then they can numb the abscess, cut into it, and drain the excess fluid (puss and blood). OR two, we can wait until MONDAY for the Pediatric Sedation Team to show up (they don't work on the weekends) and they can fully sedate him before draining the abscess. 

We decided to go with option one. He told us that they would do that tomorrow morning. That night Josh stayed with Theo at the hospital while I drove two hours back to the house to get a few more things. We figured that if the partial sedation didn't work and we would have to wait until Monday for the full sedation. So, I grabbed some more clothes and then stayed the night at the house.

The next morning, December 5th, I drove the two hours back to the hospital and found my guys just where I left them. Josh said they had a rough night (who sleeps soundly at the hospitals?!), but the doctors stopped by again and said they were planning on doing the partial sedation soon.

So, we sat at the hospital... all day... the doctor didn't show up and the nurse kept calling but couldn't get a hold of him.

At 5:30 PM I order us some dinner and we decided that the doctor wasn't coming. THEN FINALLY Dr Miller walked in the door. The poor guy looked exhausted! He said they had an emergency surgery and that's where he was all day. Geeze. He kept apologizing and we told him it was fine! You can predict these emergency brain surgeries! I just hope that other patient was okay.

We told him that we were still up for the partial sedation if he still wanted to do it. Dr. Miller said he felt that it was the best option and that he was ready to do it now.

The nurse then came in and put a couple of squirts of medication up Theo's nose. He was NOT happy. Dr. Miller said that it stings.

A few minutes later Theo entered the twilight zone. 

Theo was totally out of it until Dr. Miller injected him with numbing agent. Apparently that hurts, but then the agent kicked in and Theo didn't move much while Dr. Miller cut into the abscess and drained the blood.

Dr. Miller took some cultures of the blood and said those results will be back in a few days. He stitched up the abscess and told us that we could go home after the medication wears off and Theo "gets back to his normal self."

[Still in the twilight zone]

After another couple of hours we were discharged to go home. Theo will be on antibiotics until Friday night and hopefully those will help clear up the infection.

This kid just loves to keep us on our toes!

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