Sunday, July 28, 2024

Work, Josh to WI, and the Paris Olympics

We had a very busy week over here in good ole Illinois! Josh and I worked a lot, Ms. Jess watched Theo most days, and Theo and I went to Peoria for a visit with the ENT. Brodee started school in Arizona and Sara took him shopping for some new clothes. It's hard to believe he is in 8th grade! Once I get photos from Sara I will post them 🙂

Monday, July 22nd:

Josh headed off to work early and then I went to work in the basement when Ms. Jess came over. Theo loves it when she is here!

That evening I had a Zoom with my brothers to talk about our sibling trip in April. Christina and I have booked everything we can until October and (mostly) December when the Disney hotels and tickets start opening up. Sometimes it feels like the trip is just around the corner and then I look at my countdown and it's still 254 days away!

My flowers are doing really well right now. They struggled when it got REALLY hot a few weeks ago, but they are tough!

Theo had six observable seizures today.

Tuesday, July 23rd:

Ms. Jess came over in the morning to hang out with Theo so I could work and then run some errands.

 [Theo loves to show off his stretching skills]

That afternoon I took Theo to PT and then to see Sherman at The Legacy Ranch. Theo was really showing off today. He held up his head for the last two laps!

Theo had four observable seizures today.

Wednesday, July 24th:

Theo and I headed to Peoria for an ENT followup with Amanda Allen (APN). She checked Theo’s ears and said they both look clear and healthy with no infection. She said his left ear tube is gone, but the right ear still has the tube. We were hoping to graduate today, but we can’t since he still has a tube. She said they will continue to watch it and if it gets infected or struggles to come out on its own, then they will have to go in and remove it and patch his ear drum. We’ll see her again in 6 months.

That afternoon Theo had feeding therapy with Ms. Jen. He had two big bites of chocolate pudding with coconut cool whip. 

Theo had two observable seizures today.

Thursday, July 25th:

Ms. Jess came over again today to watch Theo while I worked in the basement. 

That afternoon I took Theo to OT and then after Josh got home I went and saw the new Deadpool movie!

Theo had eight observable seizures today.

Friday, July 26th:

Ms. Jess came over for the fourth time this week to watch Theo. We are so grateful that she is available and willing to hangout with Theo!

That afternoon Theo had pool PT with Ms. Cody at Ms. Becca's house. It only took Theo about 15 minutes to warm up to the pool. Then he started splashing and kicking his legs! They worked on standing, pushing off of the walls, and kicking both legs.

[His happy place!]

That night we watched the Opening Ceremony of the Paris Olympics! It was so cool to see the Parade of Nations take place on the Seine! It was raining, but that didn't stop these athletes from enjoying themselves!

Theo had eight observable seizures today.


Josh made a quick trip to Wisconsin. Jessi (Josh's sister) and Samantha got married back in April and they threw a big party for their family and friends this weekend! Congrats ladies!

[Samantha, Jessi, and the kids]

[Josh and Suzi]

[Josh, Jessi, and Sam]

On Sunday Josh was able to attend his cousin Keith's celebration of life. Keith tragically died by suicide a few months ago.

[Josh and his dad, George]

[George and Susan]

[Josh, George, and Suzi]

[Julie Le Blanc and Josh]

[Julie, Josh, Lenny Pearson (Keith's brother), and George]

Usually when Josh goes up to Wisconsin he is able to see his dad and Julie, but this time he was able to see more of the Woodhull family that he hasn't seen in years. I'm glad Josh was able to make a quick trip up there to see both sides of his family!

I've been trying to take care of Josh's tiny bonsai tree. It needs a lot of light, so I put it outside for a few days. Apparently it was really windy one night and the leaves blew off! I brought it back inside and purchased a grow light. I can already see more leaves coming in, so I think this light will help!

While Josh was gone, Theo and I watched the Olympics!

[YAY! First gold for Team USA!]

Theo has been yelling a lot so I got out the cactus, so Theo could hear what he sounds like. He is not a fan!

I put Theo to bed at 7:00 PM and this is what I saw when I checked on him at 8:00 PM.

And again at 8:18 PM. This child and his stretches! 🤦‍♀️

Remember our tornado outbreak?! 

Pretty crazy that a tornado just cruised through O'Hare airport like that!

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