Monday, March 10, 2025

McEvilly Road Town Hall

Monday, March 3rd:

It's Casimir Pulaski Day! Every year it sneaks up on me πŸ™‚

Theo didn't have school today, so we hung out at home until we went and saw Ms. Laura for OT.

Tuesday, March 4th:

Theo went to school on the bus and I headed out to run a bunch of errands. First, I went and picked up our Disney Park Bucket List shirts. I've been working with a local lady since September of last year to get these just right! She also made our Disney shirts for our family trip a few years ago, so I knew she would do a great job. I love how they turned out! Luke and I are going to cross four Parks off our list during this trip. That just leaves two (Paris)!


[Icons from the 12 Disney Parks]

After school I took Theo to PT and then to The Legacy Ranch for horseback riding lessons with Ms. Kaylin and Sherman.

After I put Theo to bed I had a meeting with my business partners. After a lot of hard work, it looks like things are finally moving forward!

Theo had seven observable seizures today.

Wednesday, March 5th:

This bunny was sitting in the same place for a few hours this morning. I think she may be getting ready for babies! Hopefully she won't put her nest there, but I'll keep checking. We don't want to have any issues with the lawnmower. 

I sent Theo to school with some oat milk chocolate pudding. Ms. Jess said that he seemed to like it!

After Theo got home I put him down for a nap and then I jumped on the phone for another work meeting. Once we finally get things up and running I'll be able to fill you in on my newest business venture! 

That afternoon Theo had therapy with Ms. Jen and Ms. Jeannine. He could barely contain his excitement to see them! It was adorable!

That evening I went to an Open House at the Village Hall. Remember back in November 2021 and January 2022 when I went to a couple of Village meetings about that dangerous intersection? Well, after giving me the runaround for a few months they finally told me that the Village of Minooka doesn't have jurisdiction over that intersection since it is on a County Line. I was told to reach out to all the other entities and see if they would be on board with any modifications. After reaching out to Grundy County, Will County, the Channahon Township, and a few others, I figured out what was going on. They all told me that the Village of Minooka had jurisdiction over that intersection and they were sending me on a wild goose chase. I reached out again to the Village and they told me they have no plans to put in a stop sign. Period. Well, I tried.

Flash forward to a few days ago, I received an email about an Open House at the Village Hall. I was really excited when I saw that it was not just about the dangerous intersection, but the entire road! Ms. Jess came over to watch Theo, so I could go to the meeting. I talked with a few engineers and there was a pretty good turnout from the public. The plan is to put in two traffic lights (one will be at my intersection), widen the road to three lanes (so there is a turning lane), AND fix the grade so the hill isn't so steep (which would help with the blind turn).

I was so happy about the plans that I left a nice comment in the comment box πŸ™‚

The only issue is this is just the first phase and construction won't start until at least 2027. BUT at least they are looking into it! YAY!

Ms. Jess and Theo had fun together while I was gone 😊

Theo had eight observable seizures today.

Thursday, March 6th:

Theo went to school while I went to the dentist, had a call with our Case Manager at Cigna Insurance, and got my allergy shots. It wasn't as bad as it sounds! There were no issues at the dentist and I've been getting three shots in my arms weekly for the last few years. Good thing I'm not afraid of needles! Speaking of needles, I'm donating blood on Monday - gotta start taking my iron πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

After school Theo and I went to see Ms. Laura for OT. Every time we roll into the clinic Theo yells really loud to let everyone know he's there. He just can't help it! He's so excited!

Theo had five observable seizures today.

Friday, March 7th:

After I put Theo on the bus I waited around the house because AT&T was scheduled to come between 8:00 AM and noon to hook up our fiber internet. At 11:30 AM I received a text telling me that they would be there at 12:30 PM. That wasn't going to work since I had a meeting with Theo's school speech therapist at 1:00 PM at the school. 

As I was driving to the school I received a call from Theresa at DSCC. She told me that Theo's application has been accepted and he qualifies for Medicaid and other services through their program! I am so excited! He qualified for 58 hours of LPN care a week and 336 hours of respire care a year. What a huge relief! I can't believe after trying for 7.5 years Theo is finally going to get Medicaid! I have a call with a few people at DSCC next week, so I'll learn more then!

After my meeting with Theo's school speech therapist (she showed me how to use Theo's eye gaze wheelchair mount), we went to see Ms. Cody for PT.

Theo had 14 observable seizures today.


I had to take Theo to get labs done for his Epilepsy Specialist and for the Developmental Specialist. Luckily, he had a great nurse and she got him on the first try. Poor guy! 

That evening I went to see Sweeney Todd at the Coal City High School with Ms. Laura. It was fantastic and we had a great time even though it was really dark and kinda scary! The high schoolers always do a fantastic job with their musicals and plays!

Theo was pretty emotional on Sunday. I blame "Spring Forward!"

[Real tears]

[He's okay!]

Josh is working hard up on the North Slope. When he went back up there he was made the Night Lead. But then the Day Lead left and he had to cover both shifts for a while. He was working LONG days! Luckily, they got another guy up there that can cover the night shift, so Josh can focus on the day guys.

It was foggy and very cold, so Josh's beard froze! He reminded me of the Packer Frozen Tundra guy! πŸ₯ΆπŸ₯Ά

Can't wait for him to be home on March 29th!

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