Monday, May 18, 2020

Week Ten of "Quarantine" - Bird Adventures and Josh's Birthday!

Well, we made it through week 10 of our "quarantine!"

On Monday I had a Zoom meeting with Theo's EI Coordinator and eight of our wonderful therapist. It was so nice to have everyone all together. We talked for about an hour and every single therapist had great things to say about Theo and his progress. We love them all!

[Theo loves his toys]

[I looked out the window, but I wasn't able to see the Blue Angels, so I watched them on TV]

[Seriously 😐]

We finally got around to watching the Disney Family Singalong and it was so fun! Theo loved it and was especially happy when Donny Osmond was singing "Be a Man" from Mulan.  

But when Thomas Rhett came on and sang his own version of "Do You Want to Build a Snowman" Theo was not having it! The "Snowman Song" (as we call it) is one of his favorite songs! According to Theo, this country version was an abomination!

We got some new leg braces for Theo (thanks Becca!) because his other ones were getting too small for his chubby thighs! These new ones are great and Theo has been standing in his stander or at the couch for 25 minutes at a time!

[Light board and toys]

[Trying cool whip and honey 😋]

[Standing up (PT), playing with his ball and bucket (OT), and using the light board (DT-V)]

[Trying chocolate syrup. It was a little sticky, so we mixed it with cool whip and it worked a lot better.]

[Wishing I was on a beach somewhere]

May 15th was Josh's 35th birthday! I got some BBQ from Sharko's, German chocolate cupcakes from Milette's Cakes, and bundt cakes from Nothing Bundt Cakes. Josh was very full and very happy!

He also got mint Ghirardelli Chocolates, Andes mints, the Joker movie, and a bunch of fun stuff for his Jeep.

[New mat and organizers]

Over the weekend Josh worked on fixing our broken pipe.

[This showed up on my FB feed... 🤔🤔🤔]

Don't worry! Josh cut out the broken pipe and welded a new one on in its place! He's so handy!


[Look what came today!!]

[Josh working with Theo on his sit-ups]

[My "Super Strong" little guy!]

Theo had tele-therapy four times this week and he continues to get stronger and stronger every day!

Overall, we had a great week at home! Josh finished his "honey-do" list and we loved having him home all week! His next job starts on Monday and he will be the Chief! YAY! We are so proud of him! AND the job will be just a few minutes from home 🙂

We've also been watching the birds that are nesting outside our window. They finished their nest on April 18th, we first noticed the three blue eggs on April 28th, they hatched on May 6th, and by May 18th (see next weeks post) one of them had already left the nest! 

[May 12th]

[May 13th]

[May 14th]

[May 15th]

[May 16th]

[May 17th]

[The nest is getting pretty full]

We had a thunderstorm hit on Sunday that dropped a few inches of rain. 

Even though the babies are almost as big as mamma, she still protected them during the storm.

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