Monday, May 4, 2020

Week Eight of "Quarantine"

This week Josh was back on the Iowa border working. We are still very blessed (and grateful) that he is an essential worker. Josh received word that the start date of the project close to home (that he is supposed to be Chief of) has been pushed back to the end of May. Bummer.

We FaceTime with Josh every night and Theo LOVES to see his "dadadadada"


[I went to the basement to work out on Monday and saw this. It's always something, right?]

[Theo has gained 3.5 pounds this month and it seems like it is all in his tummy!]

Don't worry, I'm still being respectful of mama bird and her eggs. If she's out there I keep the blinds closed, so she doesn't get scared and abandon her eggs (do they do that?).

[Beautiful bright blue eggs]

[Mama bird protecting her eggs during the rain]

[I've never related more to a meme]

[More COVID-19 humor]

Illinois is still "closed," but our Governor is allowing some businesses and parks to re-open.

[I ran hills with Tommy Rivs. It was a little hard.]

Before today Theo would FREAK OUT if you tried to put him on an incline. He either needs to be completely flat on his back or sitting up. No middle ground. I don't know what changed, but now he is okay with being on an incline!

[I will be on the computer at 8:59 AM to get these on May the 4th! I'm so excited!]

[Theo likes to move his bumpers around while he is falling asleep. Such a silly boy.]

[Standing up at the couch]

During the week we had five tele-therapy appointments and Theo threw up twice. It was a pretty busy week! But on Saturday I got the best news: Josh's Jeep was leaking transmission fluid! He spent most of the morning running around Dubuque, Iowa, trying to find parts to fix it. After a few hours he called and said that he managed to fix the leak and that he was heading home to us! YAY!

Once he got home we started making plans for the next few weeks. It was then that he told me his boss told him he could take the next two weeks off and stay home with us! WHAA?! AND that his next job down here was starting in two weeks, so he doesn't need to go back to Iowa!

Josh's "honey-do list" was starting to get long, so I'm glad he'll be able to get caught up over the next two weeks before work starts back up 😜

[Broken pipe in the basement]

[Taking pictures of the eggs]

**FYI: May 3rd was day 55 of our "quarantine"**

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