Monday, September 21, 2020

Sports, Fall, and E-Learning

The Fall is here and so is FOOTBALL! We love the Packers and the Chargers 🙂

Even though seeing the NBA Playoffs is a little strange right now, I'm super psyched because the Lakers are in the Western Conference Finals! I think this will be our year! FOR KOBE!

Theo is continuing to do two hours of school work a day, nine Zoom meetings a week, and private therapy every afternoon. We are busy, but he seems to be happy (most of the time).

[He still isn't a fan of coloring]

[He wants to do it on his own!]

[Watching educational videos for Cow Class]

[Being a good student and listening to his teacher]

[Theo working on his "A" sounds]

Who else is excited for Season 2 of The Mandalorian?! 

[Sorry Clippers]

[All ready for his Zoom]

[Going on a walk]

[Working on his sitting skills]

[He doesn't like play-doh]

[Sharing his ball with his best friend]

[Every year I apply and every year I get rejected! What's the secret?!]

[Theo's school schedule]

On September 18th Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. I was watching the news at the time and I literally yelled out "NOOO!" I get that people are excited for President Trump to fill another Supreme Court seat and they may not have agreed with everything she stood for, but she was a pioneer for women's rights. It's heartbreaking we had to lose her now. 


Josh spent the weekend painting our window shutter black (from red). I think they look super sharp! Just wait and see what we are going to do next!

My two guys!

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