Monday, October 5, 2020

Dev Specialist, Chat with Hohos, and New Door

The last two weeks have been pretty busy. Theo and I went to Peoria, I had a live Zoom chat with my hohos (Katey and Emily), we got a new front door, AND tore out the wasps favorite tree!

[Seriously guys, this could be true]

We were asked by Theo's school principal to send in a picture of Theo's "workspace." I think it's super cute!

Theo is continuing to work hard!

[He's getting better at coloring and is starting to do it on his own]

[Dad helping with a matching game]

On Monday, September 21st, Theo and I went to Peoria to stay at a hotel. He had an early appointment and its a two hour drive. BUT staying in a hotel with a kid is not easy!

[And we're off!]

Back on September 2nd, we saw Theo's GI Specialist. She cut his calories back a bit because Theo was in the 99th percentile. 

[September 2nd]

They weighed him before we saw the Developmental Specialist and he only lost a little bit of weight and he's still in the 99th percentile! He's a healthy, growing boy!

[September 22nd]

After they got Theo's measurements, we met with Dr. Sue. She was pretty happy with Theo's progress and was glad to see that his anxiety and sensory issues were getting better. She showed us some stretches to do with his left hamstring and we talked about how Theo is a "zebra" and she want's to find more doctors for him to see. Sure, he already sees 25 different Specialists, what's a few more?!

As we were checking out and making our next appointment the APN told me to come and look at her computer because "had never seen anything like this!" Oh no, this can't be good. She then showed me the screen that said "0% /  0/91" Um... what does that mean? It means that out of Theo's 91 recoded doctor visits in this system, we have never missed one! A 0% is a good thing! She said that she had never known anyone to have a perfect score with so many visits! I'm telling you, we don't miss appointments! *Patting myself on the back*

Also, on September 22nd, I hit my one year mark for closing all of my rings on my Apple Watch AND we heard that Tommy Rivs is no longer on life support! Gotta keep running for Rivs!

The participates in "Cow Corral" by hitting his button when his teacher holds up his name card. Sometimes he gets a little overly excited!

[We tried painting]

[Theo was not happy]

[Going on a nice Fall walk]

[Find someone who loves you as much as Theo love his dancing robot]

[Can you tell that we are learning about apples at school right now?]

[Theo has Hemihypertrophy (aka Hemihyperplasia). You can really tell when you look at his feet.]

[Getting better at coloring]

[Josh's boss keeps giving him Crown Royal and we don't know what to do with it. I thought that maybe I should make Jell-O shots and I could pass them out to the adults on Halloween. Just add a little whipped cream and Carmel on top and they are pretty darn good!]

[Isn't he too cute?!]

[Dad helping Theo color]

[PT at home with Becca]

[Apple crafts]

[A star!]

[How many apples all are you?!]

[Another busy week!]

On September 27th, I had a live chat with two of my favorite people, Katey and Emily! We talk almost every day via text and Marco Polo, BUT it's so much better in real time! I love them so much and don't know how I'd get through this crazy life without them!

This was us a year ago! In NYC in front of the FRIENDS apartment! I can't wait for our next girls trip!

[I got Theo a new toy. He's not too sure about it yet.]

[I continued to get rid of Theo's baby things]



We got a new door and Josh spent the weekend painting it black!

[I love how much light comes in]

[Is the black too bold?]

[I think it looks great! Now we gotta get rid of the wasps favorite tree/bush and we will be in good shape!]

On a sad note, the Angels missed the playoffs again... maybe next year!

We were either going to play the Celtics or the Heat in the Finals. We've played Boston enough! Bring on the Heat!

[Apple volcano experiment]

[Theo was a little interested]

[I HAD to buy these FRIENDS cups from Potter Barn! They are too cute!]

My child LOVES The Child!


[I just love how he looks in his overalls]

[Dad helping with crafts]

[PT with Becca]

[Coloring on his own! And he is actually looking at the paper!]

[Waving "hi" to himself in the mirror at OT]

[Another busy week]

Best Halloween EVER!

[Where can I get this jersey?!]

Josh tore out that stupid wasp tree! YAY! He had a little problem getting the stump out, but the Rubicon came to his rescue!

Next year is going to be awesome for the MCU! AND Morbius and Venom 2 are both coming out in 2021! NERDS UNITED!

Oh 2020...

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