Friday, January 1, 2021

Winter Break, Christmas, and New Years

Even though it was Winter Break and Theo had no assigned homework, we still continued to go to therapy and work hard on other activities.

On Monday, December 21st, Ms. Becca came over for PT and brought Theo a present! Theo wasn't into unwrapping it, but with Ms. Becca's help he was able to get it completely unwrapped.

We are still working hard at feeding and we got a few new fake paci's to try, but Theo was NOT into it.

Theo was a little hesitant about his new toy from Ms. Becca, Ms. Laura, and Ms. Cody: A Tonies! It's such a cool toy! 

Theo is OBSESSED with his music and his iPad. He lays on the iPad or puts it on his face. So, his therapist thought that his would help him to be able to hold is music better with two hands, instead of laying on it, and interact with it more. It’s also soft so if he does hold it to his face it’s not going to hurt him. Also, the OT likes it because the volume controls are small and you need dexterity to use them. And learning how to push the sides or tilt the box to make the song skip forward is another “cause and effect” that Theo can learn. AND it’s bright red so Theo can see it easily. He can also learn how to remove the little Tonies guy and replace him with another Tonies. So far we have the generic one and the Lighting McQueen one. It’s cool that we can record Theo’s favorite songs on there too. His therapist are suggesting it to a lot of their therapy kids!

On December 22nd, I baked some Christmas cookies, Theo worked on his coloring, and we watched the Lakers Ring Night! I can't believe the season is starting again! I can't wait for our rockstar team to bring home another Championship!

[Chocolate cookies with buttercream frosting and sprinkles]

[Kobe would be proud]

On Wednesday, December 23rd, I drove all the way to Indiana to get some pies from Marilyn's Bakery! They had all of their cakes and pies set up outside, so we could all be safe while we picked up our treats!

My family is pretty traditional when it comes to Christmas. Josh and I have added to those traditions and have kept them going. 

[Thanks mom for the 2020 ornament]

On Christmas Eve Theo and I made "Grinch Dust" (sugar with green food coloring) and "Reindeer Food" (sugar, oats, red dyed sugar, and green dyed sugar). We then put it out on the front grass for the reindeer to eat and to keep the Grinch away!

[Grinch Dust]

[Reindeer Food]

We have adopted Missy's family tradition of having Mexican food on Christmas Eve, so we made nachos!

[Chicken, cheese, guac, and chips. Can't go wrong there!]

That night we watched one of my favorite Christmas movies: The Muppet Christmas Carrol! I LOVE the Muppets!

[Theo was pretty into it]

[After Theo went to bed we had more cookies and I read a book]

[All ready for Christmas morning!]

December 25th - Merry Christmas!

We woke up to some snow, but not enough to be considered a "White Christmas."

Before we opened presents I went on a run with (and for) Tommy Rivs who is still fighting cancer. #RunWithRivs

After my run we all got ready and opened our presents! Santa and our family were VERY kind to us this year!

Josh got a Keurig, two video games, and some items for the kitchen.

I got some Harry Potter books, a new Kindle (since mine is 10 years old), a "Baby Yoda" purse, a bunch of e-books, and Ahsoka Minnie Ears!

This will make a fine addition to my collection!

[It's beautiful!]

Theo got new books, toys, stuffed animals, and a Star Wars shirt.

[Playing with his new toy from Aunt Ally, Aunt Jessi, and cousin Braxton. He LOVES it!]

After gifts we had our traditional pigs-in-a-blanket with cheesy eggs and cinnamon rolls. YUM!

Later that afternoon we FaceTimed with my family.

I told Josh we should do surf-n-turf for Christmas dinner and he took me VERY seriously! He went to Costco and bought FIVE pounds of King crab legs and then went to our favorite meat market and got two large filet mignons. It was WAY too much food, so we had the King crab on Christmas Day and saved the steaks for the 26th.


Over the weekend we relaxed and play with all of our new toys!

Josh made steak and Béarnaise sauce (mixed with crab) for dinner on December 26th. It was delicious!

[Waving at Beatbo]

[Reading with dad]

[Kissing Beatbo's toes]




On December 28th I started my 1/2 Marathon training with Tommy Rivs. This is training to improve your 1/2 Marathon time. Let's see how I do!

Later that afternoon I had a Zoom with the Cerebral Vascular Neurosurgery APN. She was very happy to hear how Theo was doing and we will see her in person in March for a check up.

[Scab from his stitch infection]

[His incision is looking good and the glue is starting to peel off]

On December 29th, I took Theo to OT and then we went to Costco with Josh. It was nice to get out of the house for a few hours.

[Theo is warming up to his Tonies]

On the morning of December 30th we woke up to some snow!

[Theo has been doing better with his "food play" and has been enjoying the cool whip with crushed up Cinnamon Toast Crunch]


[The glue finally came off and his incision looks great!]

We didn't do anything special on New Years Eve. Theo still wakes up early so I was in bed by 10:00 PM. I did have a hard time sleeping because I had an allergic reaction on my ears from my new face mask! It itches and hurts like crazy! And it's HOT! So I've been putting an icepack and some aloe on it.

Funny Stuff:

I know 2020 has been a hard one, but 2021 will be better, right?!


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