Monday, March 21, 2022

Dentist, Blood Work, and Seizures

On Monday, March 14th, morning Theo and I headed to Ottawa for his pre-op physical. Theo was pretty upset and the only thing that could calm him down was Encanto.

I had to drive Josh's Jeep and it felt like it was sliding all over the road. I felt like I was playing Mario Kart. It was a little scary! Josh said it was likely because of the large tires, but then he did some checking and it was something else entirely. He said he fixed it, so we'll see!

Happy Pi Day!

Winter is over, right? RIGHT?! That means it's time to take down Theo's artwork and make space for his new projects.


My allergies have been awful and I sound sick, so I took a COVID test to put everyone's mind at ease.


On March 15th, Josh, Theo, and I went to the dentist. After I got my teeth cleaned I took Theo across the street to the park. He LOVED the swing!

After the dentist we headed to the hospital in Ottawa. Theo needs to have bloodwork done before his surgery on Friday.

Thanks Papa and Grandma for the gift!

Theo had a few videos to watch for school in order to get ready for Saint Patrick's Day.

Thursday, March 17th, was Saint Patrick's Day! Theo wore his new green tie-dye shirt that they made at school.

Theo was at school for about an hour when I received a call from his nurse. She said that he was having a lot of seizures (not enough for emergency medications) and he was acting a little off. I went to get him and after Theo got home from school I noticed these red dots all over his legs. I thought they were maybe due to his legs getting warm (heat rash?) and his socks rubbing on his legs. 

I called Neurology that afternoon and asked them about increasing his medications because he was starting to have more seizures. They agreed and we increased his Depakene.

I "finished running" the Chicago Marathon! It was a fun run! Now, onto London!

My friend Lacey made these for Theo's room! Aren't they amazing?! Thank you Lacey!

Megan Bugg, a local girl that had been fighting a rare type of cancer, passed away recently. They are having fundraiser's to raise money for a research center. 

The weather was beautiful on Sunday, March 18th, so we went on a walk to the park and inspected the outside plants. I hope we have better luck this spring than we did last year! I do not have a green thumb!

We also went and got yogurt since the weather was so nice!

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