Sunday, September 29, 2024

Theo's First Horse Show

Monday, September 23rd:

After I got Theo on the bus I headed to the local community college to donate blood. If you are able and willing, please donate. 

I get cold when I do a "power red" double donation, so I always bring a blanket! When I go in the winter I wear my big boots and a beanie 🙃

The donation was great and painless and I was given two of my favorite blood donation snacks at the end!

After school I took Theo to OT. He always works so hard for Ms. Laura!

Theo had three observable seizures today.

Tuesday, September 24th:

Theo headed off to school, Josh went north for work, and I went to the basement to work on wrapping up a few things for work. I got a few pictures from Ms. Jess and Theo looked like he was having a great day at school.

Right as the kids were boarding the bus Theo had a long seizure. It was literally just under three minutes and the nurse had Theo's emergency meds in his hands ready to use. Luckily, Theo came out of it, but they were still worried about him. They called me and told me what was going on. We decided I should go get him from school just to be on the safe side. I also made up a little cheat sheet for the bus driver and aid, so they would know what to do it Theo had a seizure while he was on the bus.

After we got home I gave Theo a small dose of medication and put him down for a nap. After he woke up we went to see Sherman. Theo has his first Horse Show this weekend, so we needed to practice. Theo was a little tired, but he did great!

That night I had a three hour long catch up call with one of my best friends, Ally. It was much needed for both of us ❤️

Theo had 15 observable seizures today, including one that was just shy of three minutes.

Wednesday, September 25th:

Fall is officially here, so it's time to get out my decorations! Besides the harvest, which is awful for my allergies, I think Fall is the best season!

Ms. Jess put the rooster from Peek-a-Boo Barn on Theo's button, so every time he presses it he hears the rooster's call and a little kid says "Rooster!" Theo thinks it's hilarious!

After school Theo had feeding/speech therapy with Ms. Jen.

Theo had seven observable seizures today.

Thursday, September 26th:

After Theo headed off to school I went to the chiropractor and then got ready for my meeting with a lobbyist who works in Springfield. She is best friends with one of the other Changing Spaces state chapter leads and she is very sympathetic to our cause. We went over my plan and she gave me a ton of great insider tips. She also has connections with other law makers and with people in the Governors office, so hopefully I'll be able to get meetings with some important people in the near future!

Theo had ten observable seizures today.

Friday, September 27th:

After I got Theo on the bus I headed to the ENT to get a small cyst cut out of my lip. Here are my before pictures:

The ENT gave me a shot to numb the area and then he cut out the cyst and put in one stitch. Easy peasy!


After school I took Theo to PT and then a guy from Access Elevator came by to give us a quote for a garage lift. Ouch. That one is gonna be expensive!

Theo had ten observable seizures today, including one that was 111 seconds long and one that was 68 seconds long.

Saturday, September 28th:

On Saturday we got some rain and wind from the hurricane Helene. I can't believe the destruction that it has caused! My heart beaks for everyone affected.

My lip was a little swollen on Saturday and the area only hurt when I accidentally bit my lip while eating!

Theo hates his vest, but I put it on him anyways... doctors orders!

I finished up three of our work projects this week. It's nice to get everything organized and in their boxes.

Josh is going to the Packers vs Vikings game with Lucas tomorrow, so he drove up to Green Bay after work.

Sunday, September 29th:

Theo had his first horse show! I had no idea what to expect. I thought it was just a little show for the parents, so the kids could show off what they learned this year. But I was wrong! The show was official! There was a judge and some of the riders were trying to qualify for the Illinois Special Olympics!

Theo and I got to the Legacy Ranch early, so we walked over to check out the arena.

Sherman made a few laps to warm up.

When Theo's class was called we headed inside. The horses lined up and they got the kids loaded one by one.

Here he goes!

The group then headed outside for their show.

There was a lady on a loud speaker who was calling out instructions.

"Reverse direction"

"Back up"

At the end the class lined up and the judge presented them with ribbons! 

"In 6th place, Rider 200, Theo and Sherman!"

WHAT?! I had no idea they would be ranked or get ribbons! 

Great job Theo and Sherman! You guys did it!

After Theo's class was done we had a few parents come up to us and congratulate Theo. It was so sweet!

We stuck around for a few more rounds, so that we could see some of the more advanced riders.


I just want to shout out The Legacy Ranch, their amazing team, and their spectacular facility! The Legacy Ranch not only has a Sure Hands lift and ramp in the in door arena, but also an adult-sized changing table in one of their bathrooms. Having that changing table makes it so that Theo can participate in these types of activities! I want to thank the amazing crew at The Legacy Ranch and I can't recommend them enough!

Josh and Lucas had a lot of fun in Green Bay. Their seats were on the second row at the 10 yard line. Even though the Packers lost, they still had a great time!

Can you spot Josh and Lucas (he's the one in the purple Vikings shirt)?!

Speaking of sports, my Angels missed the Playoffs by a LONG SHOT. I don't know what's going on with those guys!