Sunday, September 8, 2024

Theo at the Dentist and Audiology

Tuesday, September 3rd:

Since Josh doesn't have an office anymore he's been working from home while also spending time in the field. It's nice because he can help me get Theo ready for school in the mornings before he either works on the computer or heads out to the project. It's always nice to have an extra set of hands when it comes to Theo!

We sent Theo off to school and then Josh went to work while I went to the Dentist. There were no issues to report, so I'll see them again in 6 months.

After school I took Theo to PT and then to The Legacy Ranch to see Sherman and his friends. Theo was very crabby and squirmy. He was yelling and kept trying to push back against the ladies who were holding him up. 

I read through Theo's school notes after we got home. Ms. Jess noted that Theo was also very crabby at school. He wasn't cooperating with his teachers and he didn't want to be "super strong." I guess a three day weekend is just too long and he's having a rough time getting back into the swing of things. 

Theo was very tired that night and he got in some good cuddles with puppy ❤️

Theo had five observable seizures today.

Wednesday, September 4th:

Theo headed off to school, Josh went to work, and I spent most of the day in the basement working on getting two of our projects wrapped up.

That afternoon I went to Theo's school to pick him up. When I arrived Ms. Jess was outside waiting for me. She said that Theo is yelling and not asking nicely to go bye-bye. I felt bad that he had back-to-back crabby days with Ms. Jess. He usually doesn't have two bad days in a row.

I put Theo in the van and we drove to see Theo's dentist and her amazing team. Josh met us there which made Theo very happy!

The first dental hygienist was able to get a good look at Theo's teeth and then she polished them with toothpaste. Theo fought her, but between the three of us she was able to get the job done. Then another hygienist came in and asked if we could try and get some x-rays. We helped hold Theo so they could get a couple quick shots. He was VERY upset with us after that!

After x-rays Dr. Valerie came in and check out Theo's teeth. She said they look good and that the two top teeth should be falling out soon. We also looked at his x-rays and saw that it will be a while before his 6 year molars come in.

After we got home Ms. Jen came over for feeding/speech therapy and Ms. Jeannine Zoomed in. Since Theo just had a rough time at the dentist I thought it would be a good idea to not work with any food toady and we should just color instead. Ms. Jen and Ms. Jeannie agreed! Theo drew a nice picture for Ms. Jess 😊

Theo had six observable seizures today including one that was 86 seconds long.

Thursday, September 5th:

The next morning we drove to the Illinois Neurological Institute in Peoria for Theo's yearly audiogram. Last time we were here Theo had a really hard time. So I made sure Josh could join us and we brought some backup toys. We also brought our changing table since going 5 hours without a diaper change is way too long. 

Theo actually did really well during his test. The audiologist was able to put the devices in his ears and he was too tired to care. She said that his hearing is the same as it was last time, so we don't have any need to worry. So when he doesn't respond to us it's because he is ignoring us, not because he can't hear! 

After the exam we set up our table and changed Theo's diaper. I need to reach out to the Administration department again and see if they have plans to put a height adjustable, adult/universal changing table in this building.

After we got home from Peoria I took Theo to see Ms. Laura at Thrive for OT. 

Theo had five observable seizures today.

Friday, September 6th:

After Theo got on the bus I headed to the basement to work. I needed to move a bunch of files onto a USB thumb drive for the client. For some reason every single one of our thumb drives had something on them already 🤦‍♀️ Sent this picture to Josh and asked him to clean them up for me later that night.

Theo had a much better day at school and he was able to go swimming with Ms. Cody for PT!

He loves it and they have so much fun in the pool!

Theo had 12 observable seizures today including ones that were 116 seconds and 135 seconds long.


Unfortunately Josh's Packers lost their opening game on Friday night and their quarterback is injured, BUT my Chargers beat the Raiders! GO BOLTS!

I noticed that a couple of the DOT rest stops along our path to Peoria on the 55 have been closed. I reached out to Renee to see if they will take this oportunity to install the changing tables. She wasn't sure, but we are going to look into it! It's one thing to get laws passed, it's another to enforce them.

[100% me]


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