Sunday, September 15, 2024

First Sickness of the School Year

Monday, September 9th:

I woke up at 3:00 AM with a migraine. I took some Excedrin Migraine, put on my TheraICE, and tried to go back to sleep. Luckily, Josh could go into work late, so he got Theo ready for school. After I got up I called my doctor. This is my 5th migraine in the last month and I am so over it. Luckily, my doctor had an opening, so I headed over. I talked to her about my migraines and how they are becoming more frequent. She prescribed me a medication that I can take if I feel one coming on. She also suggested I go get my eyes checked. Can do! While I was at the doctors I also got a prescription for altitude medication. Last time I was in Utah I got sick and I was below 6000 ft. So frustrating! But I know the altitude meds work because I used them in Peru and I didn't get sick at those crazy high elevations. I'm not taking chances this time! Plus it will be autumn when I am in Utah and we'll probably go for a drive up the canyon to see all the beautiful fall leaves. That reminds me, I should bring some Dramamine too 🤦‍♀️

Theo had a great day at school. Ms Jess said he ate HALF of his bison pouch during snack time!

After school I took Theo to OT at Thrive.

Theo had eight observable seizures today including one that was 74 seconds long.

Tuesday, September 10th:

After Theo headed to school I went to work in the basement and also worked on a few things for the Changing Spaces Campaign. I heard from one of my new friends who said she found a previously unknown height-adjustable adult/universal changing table at a local hospital. I asked her go get some pictures and submit it to the Changing Spaces website, so we can get it added to the interactive map!

We are still trying to raise awareness about the need for height-adjustable adult/universal changing tables in public places! So if you haven't already, please join my facebook group and follow us on Instagram.

Map showing places were people want height-adjustable adult/universal changing tables.

Halloween is just around the corner and I know what Theo is going to be! Here's a hint:

While Theo was at school he had a focal seizure that lasted just shy of three minutes. The nurse was literally a second away from administering the Valtoco and calling 911. I reached out to Theo's Epilepsy doctor and told her we were ready to try another medication. She said she wants Theo to do some bloodwork before we can try something else. 

After school we took Theo to PT and then to see Sherman! Theo and Sherman did great today and I signed them up to perform in the Legacy Ranch Fun Show Fundraiser that will be on September 29th. Theo and Sherman will be able to show off their skills with other kids and their horses. It should be cute!

Theo loves to pet Sherman while he is having a snack!

That night we watched the Presidential debate. I love that Mo sends out BINGO cards. If you are looking for a trustworthy and unbiased news source then check out Mo News. They have a podcast and he is constantly posting on Instagram!

[Wishlist Edition for FUN!]

Theo had eight observable seizures today including two long ones (104 and 180 seconds).

Wednesday, September 11th:

After Theo went to school I worked in the basement and then had a call with Make-A-Wish Illinois Alumni Manager, Amy. We talked about Theo's wish and how we can give back and be part of the community moving forward. I signed up to be a volunteer and I will complete my training and background check in November. I also told Amy about our three properties in Orlando that they can use for a Wish AND she was very excited to hear about my work with Changing Spaces.

Amy asked me to introduce Theo and myself on the alumni FB page. I posted a little blurb and this collage of Theo: 

I'm so excited to be part of this community and hopefully I can help grant Wishes for other kids!

Theo had 15 observable seizures today including two long ones (100 and 97 seconds).

Thursday, September 12th:

Josh was going to head into work late, so I decided to sleep in and let him get Theo ready for school. When I came out of the bedroom I saw that Wheel of Fortune was on and Theo was laying on the floor. I was super confused! "What day is it?! Why is Theo here?!" Josh told me that Theo woke up with a cough and stuffy nose, so he decided to keep him home today. Josh called the school and the bus driver, so everyone knows. Oh bummer. Theo's been back at school for a month, so we knew this was coming! 

[Nebulizer to the rescue!]

I went and got my COVID and flu shots today (one in each arm). Gotta do what we can to protect Theo and ourselves! 

Theo got a post card from Grandma and Papa! They are on a cruise in Canada!

After much stress and nurturing Josh's bonsai tree is coming back to life! YAY! Maybe I really do have a green thumb *knock on wood, but not the bonsai*

Theo didn't go to school on Friday either and he spent the whole weekend getting rest and respiratory therapy. Hopefully he'll be ready to go back to school early next week.

When Theo is sick he doesn't move around a lot, so we thought a nice memory foam pad would help keep his spine straight while he was relaxing.

Friday was Theo's worst day. He coughed a lot and threw up a few times. His oxygen levels were great, but he had a high heart rate. Turns out this was right before he threw up again. Poor guy!

ANNNNDDD the Angels are out. Ugh. What a season...

Over the weekend I went and got a "Clear and Brilliant" facial. It's not a nice facial from a day spa by a long shot. It's done with a laser. It is supposed to damage your skin and encourage new collagen and healthy skin to replace it. It's kinda like micro needling but with a laser instead of a needle. Okay! Let's give it a try!


They numb you with Lidocaine, but they said it could still hurt so the nurse gave me a stress ball to hold. I didn't feel anything until she got to my temples. I could feel a little prick with some heat, but it wasn't bad.

[I had to sit for 30 minutes and let the the Lidocaine work]


I looked and felt like I had a bad sunburn. The sunburn feeling only lasted for a few hours. I kept applying aloe and other lotions, so my skin doesn't get dry. I am supposed to stay out of the sun for a few days and keep my skin moisturized. The nurse said I should be glowing in 7-10 days and it should help with the dark sun spots that have been showing up along my jaw line. We'll see!

[One day later]

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