Sunday, February 23, 2025

Josh is Going Back to Alaska

Monday, February 17th:

Of course I ended up catching Theo's cold. I had a stuffy nose and a small cough for a few days, so it wasn't too bad. 

Theo didn't have school on Monday, so we hung out at home while Josh went to lunch with some coworkers. Hopefully work here will be starting up in late March!

Tuesday, February 18th:

I've been nursing our little bonsai back to life and it's looking pretty great! You are supposed to trim the branches pretty regularly, but you also need to trim the roots or else they will outgrow their pots. 

Theo didn't have school again today because he had an appointment to get measured for new SMOs and AFOs. The new ones should be ready in about a month.

That afternoon we took Theo to PT and then to see Sherman!

Wednesday, February 19th:

Theo went back to school and I went to get a haircut. I cut it super short so that it will be easier to maintain while I am in Asia 🙂

I also went shopping for some shirts that will be comfy and cute while we are traveling!

Thursday, February 20th:

Theo went to school and then to OT. Since he couldn't go to Sherman while he was sick, he had a make up lesson today. That's right! Sherman twice in one week! Lucky boy!

Friday, February 21st:

Theo headed off to school while I went and got my first round of microneedling. It's like getting a tattoo on your face, but there's no ink. The goal is to damage the skin a bit so that it will encourage the skin to produce more collagen. I did have numbing cream on, so it didn't hurt too much. BUT it did on my forehead! There's not a lot of fat up there to cushion the blow! 

Right after:

A few hours later:

Josh took Theo to PT that afternoon and I stayed home since I am supposed to have 48 hours of "downtime."


Since Josh was leaving on Sunday to go back to Alaska, we spend the rest of the weekend at home as a family. 

Theo went in his stander for 22 minutes! He is so strong!

And of course, my phone decided to have a mental breakdown. It kept dropping the signal (and my calls) and sending me messages saying "SIM Failure." UGH! I really didn't want to buy a new phone right now, but I can't have my phone not work while I am in Asia. Dang! Especially since I am not done paying for it yet.

On Sunday afternoon Theo and I drove Josh to the airport so he could catch his flight to Anchorage with a layover in Portland.

[I love tracking his flights!]

He got into Anchorage at midnight. His flight to the North Slope isn't until Monday afternoon, so he could sleep in at the hotel before heading back to the airport. We already miss him! Hopefully he'll only be gone for 4-5 weeks this time and not 6.5 weeks like last time!

[This will be me really soon]

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