Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Theo's Birth Story - Part II: NICU, Level 2, and Hospital Stay

My first night in recovery was rough. I had nurses coming in and out of the room all night. They had to keep up with the antibiotics in my IV and my vitals were taken every two hours due to my high fever and infection.

In the middle of the night, two nurses came in and helped me stand up and use the bathroom. It was pretty painful and I am grateful they were there. 

After a few more hours of sleep (and a hot bowl of chicken broth for breakfast) Josh got me a wheelchair so we could go to the NICU to see Theo.

Happy Birthday to me!

Over the next two days we spent a lot of time in the NICU visiting Theo and talking with his doctors. 

The NICU was so great and accommodating. Each baby had his (or her) own large room that had plenty of space for the family and doctors. 

After Theo's MRI he had an Echocardiogram, which looked good.

Dr. Lin was able to analyze Theo's MRI and came personally to tell me what his thoughts were. He said that he looks good and that he thinks we can have his surgery done in 6 months. Theo will need to go to monthly check ups and if things continue to look good then the surgery will stay scheduled for February.

We also met with a Geneticist who was interested in Theo because of his Port Wine Stains. There is some debate, but some doctors believe that the Vain of Galen Malformation could be linked to Port Wine Stains. They drew his blood and had it sent off to be tested for any genetic abnormalities. We should hear back in a few weeks.

[Theo's Port Wine Stains are mostly on his arms, back, chest and legs, with a few spots on his face. He is very lucky considering a lot of people who have Port Wine Stains have large birthmarks that cover half of their face.]

There is also a connection between Port Wine Stains, Vain of Galen Malformations and Optic Nerve issues. Because of this link, the doctors scheduled a check up for us with a Pediatric Eye Surgeon for the week after we are released.

During one of my NICU visits, a Lactation Consultant came in and helped me breast feed and do skin-to-skin with Theo. It was a little difficult because of his IV and all the wires hooked up to monitors, but we made it work.

[I love all that hair!]

[Happy dad with Theo]

[Proud Grandma]

After two days in the NICU Theo was allowed to come to the nursery, but he had to remain a "Level 2", which means he has to keep his monitors on at all times and he wasn't allowed to come to my room, but we could visit him as much as we wanted in the nursery. 

[Gift from the hospital]

Once Theo got to the nursery his jaundice started to kick in. I was approached by the NICU Pediatrician who asked me if it was okay for them to supplement Theo. Jaundice can most easily be taken care of if the baby eats, pees, and poops a lot. Since he wasn't getting enough milk from me they thought it would be best if we gave him a bottle after each time I nursed him. 

Over the next few hours his jaundice got worse so he had to be put under the bili lights (aka "baby tanning bed") and we were only allowed to hold him every three hours for 30 minutes. That broke my heart. Not only was he not getting enough milk from me, I wasn't able to comfort him whenever he needed me. However, he really seemed to enjoy being under the lights.

[I really think he liked it in that warm box]

[Proud Papa]

By Saturday morning his jaundice was looking a lot better. It was at this time that we were both cleared to be discharged from the hospital. Part of me didn't want to go. I liked having nurses and doctors check up on me. I liked that I could get help breast feeding whenever I wanted. I liked that food was brought to me just by making a phone call (sure I was harassed by the same lady about my GD, but what are you gonna do?). I loved that I had so many resources at my finger tips. And I'm still on pain medication from my c-section. Are we sure this is safe?! Now we have to go home and do this all by ourselves?! I'm not ready!

[Isn't he the cutest?!]

After a few more hours we were both officially discharged. Before we left we met with the NICU Pediatrician who told us all about our upcoming appointments and what to expect over the next few months.

I then dressed Theo in his Harry Potter themed outfit and we all left the hospital.

Since it was late we headed back to the hotel instead of making the drive back to Ottawa. We will do that tomorrow.


[We all thought it was so funny how he liked to have his legs stretched out] 

[Grandma was the first victim]

The next morning we all headed home to Ottawa. My mom, Theo, and I rode in my parents car; my dad drove my truck; and Josh drove his Jeep. After we arrived home I fed Theo and then my parents said goodbye. I want to thank my parents for coming out and spending the week with us. It was so nice to have all the love and support while Theo was in the NICU and Level 2.

1 comment:

emilie s. d. p. said...

He's beautiful!! Congrats & I hope things are going well at home too. I think I would be sad to leave the hospital & all that help too, but hopefully you're all getting better sleep in your own beds at home!