Monday, April 27, 2020

Week Seven of "Quarantine"

We had another great week staying home (and safe) during this pandemic. Theo had six Tele-therapy sessions and he didn't throw up once! YAY!

[This kid needs a haircut big time!]

[Working on vision]

[Sitting in his chair, playing with his robot, watching Poppy (Trolls), AND licking sweet potatoes off his hands] 

[The more you know, right?] 

[Classic Star Wars]

[Being "Super Strong" and showing off his curls]

[Getting a selfie with Theo is a little difficult]

["Mom, you are such a goober!"] 

[For reals 😭] 

Well, our Governor extended the “Stay at Home” for another 30 days, but he got sued by two lawmakers. The judge ruled in their favor, so we may be opening on May 1st. BUT THEN the Gov sued them back and now we are in limbo... I’m just staying at home for now

We have been FaceTiming with Josh every night. He has captured a few cute pictures of Theo and I:


[Having a chat]

[Super Bear is so silly!]

Theo only rolls one way and does not scoot on his belly. But he does roll onto his side and do a "shimmy" to get to the toys he wants. This is great! Before, Theo's toys would run away from him and he wouldn't even be sad or try to go get them. Now, when they run away he will get upset and try to get to them. YAY! Keep going Theo!

[I went on my weekly solo grocery store trip this Sunday and when I came out of the store there was an Auntie Anne's in the parking lot! I couldn't resist!]

[FaceTime with Grandma Judy, Jessi, Ally, and Braxton]

[I told you it was a busy week!]

This week we added a few more things to Theo's weekly schedule. He is doing more work on the exercise ball, incline work on a wedge, trying new foods, and using his red button to communicate.

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