Monday, October 26, 2020

First Week of School, COVID Test, and Walk Your Way for VOGM

Theo had his first day of in-person school on Monday, October 19th.

[Theo with his Star Wars backpack, Push Chair, and AFOs]

[Gotta wear that face shield]

[Classic "First Day of School" picture]

Theo goes to in-person school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in the afternoon. Wednesday is remote for everyone, so they can deep clean the school. I love that Theo only has three kids in his class! Since he goes to school in the afternoon he usually has private therapy in the morning, but if he doesn't we still work hard!

I bought these skinny jean overalls for Theo a couple of years ago and they finally fit... kinda! They are so tight! They make him look so old!

[Fun with Ms. Becca]

[Waiting for school to start on Wednesday]

[Learning about body parts with Mr. Potato Head]

[Seriously guys, grow up and wear a mask]

On Friday, October 23rd, Theo and I drove to the hospital in Ottawa, so he could get a COVID test. The nice nurse had me climb in the backseat of the Traverse so I could hold Theo's head and arms. She was quick with the test, but it was a nasopharyngeal swab, so they aren't fun. Theo did fine though. He cried, but I had his Paci and music ready.

["Mom, that lady dressed in white tickled my nose!"]

[I think I bought the wrong size]

[My son won't eat food, but he will eat his Paci]

[Dodgers harnessing the power of the Mamba]

I’ve continued to run daily for Tommy Rivs, who is improving, but is still in the hospital fighting for his life. Please continue to send good vibes to him and his family as he battles cancer. 








[Finally got my Rivs hat]

On October 25th, I also ran for my son to raise awareness for him and his fellow Vein of Galen Malformation warriors. I did a 10 mile run this morning and then we went for a family walk around the neighborhood. We are taking Theo to the hospital tomorrow morning for his yearly angiogram with Interventional Radiology. They will be checking on the blood flow in Theo’s brain, his aneurysm, and the fistula to the falx cerebri (which was found last year during his angiogram). Please send up those good vibes to him and his amazing team of doctors!





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