Monday, February 15, 2021

Trouble with the Tube and COLD

Did you know that the second week of February (8th-12th) is "Feeding Tube Awareness Week?" I didn't! But now we know and here's some funny memes about it:

In honor of "Feeding Tube Awareness Week" I ACCIDENTLY pulled out Theo's G-tube! He's had his g-tube for over two years and it's never been pulled out, but that didn't make the experience less terrifying! 

I was getting him undressed in the morning and as I was pulling off his PJs I didn't realize the g-tube pad was stuck on the PJs. I didn't pull hard, but the pad caught and I heard a "pop" sound. It took me a second to notice that Theo's belly area did not look right. Of course, I freaked out once I realized what I did, but Theo didn't. I seems like getting that balloon pulled out through the 12 fringe stoma would hurt, but Theo wasn't in any pain. Luckily, Josh was home and he could keep Theo on his back until I could get the new g-tube ready for inserting. 

[See that big balloon? That is what keeps the g-tube in. You insert the g-tube and inflate the ballon after to keep it in place.]

[Theo with g-tube, pad, and extension tube all in place]

We got the new g-tube in and everything was fine. Good thing it was first thing in the morning and Theo's stomach was empty or else there could have been a huge mess!

On a positive note, Josh was home all week! YAY!

At Theo's school it was "Kindness Week." The kids have been working hard for the last month to be kind and earn their Valentines Day dance party!

On Monday, February 8th, Theo went to school and it was "Super Hero Day," so I dressed up Theo like Ironman. Can you tell?

[Ironman and Super Bear!]

[Working on independent sitting]

On Tuesday, February 9th, I took Theo to OT in the morning and then that afternoon it started snowing HARD!

[Stupid cold on it's way]

Tuesday was crazy sock day at school. Theo doesn't have any crazy socks, but his AFOs are pretty silly!

[Food play and watching Baby Shark]

 I went through Theo's 0-6 month clothes and got two boxes ready to be sent to Ryan and Kayleen. I know they are having a girl, but who doesn't like to wear dinosaurs?!

On Wednesday, February 10th, it was crazy hair day. I tried to spike Theo's hair, but it's SOOO thick!

Ms Becca then came over for PT and Theo did really well sitting and getting "squeezes!"

After PT, we had live Cow Corral with Theo's class. He did really well with his marker and paying attention to his videos.

On Thursday, February 11th, I took Theo to OT. Ms Laura rolled a big blue ball on top of Theo for proprioception and he LOVED it!

We only give Theo his real Paci at night time and we give him a teething on at nap time. He would rather go without then use the teething one. That's fine. Except I caught him chewing on his thumb! Oh kiddo!

Thursday was "Wear Pink Day" (or something like that). This shirt has pink!

On Friday, February 12th, Ms Becca came over for some more "squeezes" and Theo did really well standing at the couch.

At school that afternoon, Theo got some nice Valentines Day cards from his friends and they had a dance party in the gym!

[Theo standing in his stander at the dance party]

[Theo as a yeti]

[Valentines! I'm so glad Theo has so many nice friends!]

[Being "super strong" at the couch]

[This kid!]

It was freezing cold and snowing, so we stayed inside all weekend. In national news, Trump was acquitted.

For Valentines Day, Josh got me some delicious macarons from our favorite French bakery! YUM! He also got me a charging pad for my iPhone, apple watch, and AirPods. I got him a Packers sweatshirt and t-shirt. He's very happy!

February 14th is also my favorite little brother's birthday! He's pretty awesome! Happy birthday Luke!

Windchills Monday morning will be -30 to -35. No biggie, right?! 

So, there is a scary intersection close to where we live. Last week there was a pretty nasty accident there and so I asked the "Moms of Minooka" FB page if anyone has ever tried to get a stop sign installed. Apparently, I'm not the only one who hates this intersection and it's been a problem for YEARS! But, according to some of the moms, the city doesn't want to install a stop sign or traffic light. I'm debating if I want to take on this challenge. I drive on this road twice a day, 4 days a week, when I take Theo to and home from school. What should I do?

It's going to be cold again this week AND we are going to be getting a lot of snow. Wish us luck!

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