Monday, February 22, 2021

Snow and the Wheelchair Clinic

I'm not going to lie, this week was a little hard. Instead of posting adorable pictures of my son playing in the snow on Facebook, we went to a wheelchair clinic in Peoria. I didn't even know that wheelchair clinics existed before I had a child with special needs.

Monday, February 15th, was President's Day, so Theo didn't have school.

I decided it would be a good time to try to un-clutter my travel map. I bought thread and yarn and attempted to use them to make more space for all of my pins. I think I am going to stick with the thread for now. It looks a lot cleaner than the yarn. 

It snowed like crazy on Monday night, so we had to cancel OT Tuesday morning (February 16th) AND Theo's school was canceled. 

We got dumped on AND it was very windy, so we had these large snowdrifts outside of our home.

[Theo on Zoom with his MPC speech therapist]

A local mom posted on our community FB group that her son was available to come and shovel everyone out for just $25. He came over right away, cleared our walkway, driveway, and sidewalks. It was snow much snow and he did it all with a shovel! It took a few hours so I paid him $125. It was worth it!

On Wednesday, February 17th, Ms. Becca came over for PT. Theo has been standing a little crooked in his stander, so I put on his AFOs and put him in his stander so she could check him out. While Becca was adjusting his legs, Theo thought it would be a good idea to try and walk. Okay! Let's go!

Ms. Becca showed Theo how to lift his knees and push off! Theo walked around the house looking for his Beat-Bo's for about 20 minutes. He was definitely getting the hang of it by the end, but we still have work to do!

After PT, Theo and I headed to Peoria for a wheelchair clinic. We met with Numotion and the Easter Seals PT. They measured Theo and checked him over before talking to me about what we were looking for. 

I had quite the list of requirements:
- I need to be able to use the wheelchair inside and outside the house
- It needs to be able to fold up, so I can put it in the back of my car
- It needs to have tie-downs for the bus
- It needs to be safe and have a five point harness
- I'd like to have a shade, wind cover, foot rest, and travel bag
- Theo needs to be comfortable

They then brought in a few options for us. A red Convaid Cruiser, A blue Convaid EZ Rider, and a pink and black specialized wheelchair. 

We tried out the two Convaid's and decided that the Cruiser would be the best for Theo.

It'll take 3-6 months to get approved and be delivered, but I am excited! 

Thursday, February 18th is Emily's birthday and to celebrate the NASA Rover Perseverance landed successfully on Mars!

[Here comes the funny memes]

Disney finally announced some of the things they would be doing for Magic Kingdom's 50th Anniversary starting on October 1st! Can't wait for our trip in December!

[Ms. Becca working with Theo]


The mail has been delayed due to our bad weather, but we finally got the Valentines from the cousins!

[Valentine for us from Theo]

On Saturday, February 20th, I finished my 1/2 Marathon Race Training with Tommy Rivs. It was so hard, but also very rewarding. I'm actually going to do it all over again starting on Monday!

Theo got a new switch. This one is bluetooth and we can hook it up to his music videos. It's pretty cool and he is catching on pretty fast!

Theo went on a walk to look for his favorite guys!

For reals, guys... for reals...

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