Monday, April 26, 2021

Wheelchair Delivery, Ophthalmologist, and NordicTrack Bike

Mother Nature is having an attitude problem, but other then that we had a pretty good week!

Theo LOVES to lay on his vibrating mat at OT. He wasn't too sure about the one I bought him for the house. Maybe it was too intense?!

Treat yo self! I got some hair!

On Tuesday, April 20th, it snowed. Oh goodness. It's springtime, so it's fine, right?

A representative from NuMotion brought Theo his new wheelchair, Convaid Cruiser! It's so cool!

It's the end of an era! I can't believe Theo isn't going to be using his City Mini anymore! This stroller has been to Machu Picchu, on a cruise to Antarctica, and to Disneyland! It has a lot of miles behind it, but SO SO SO many memories!

The Convaid Cruiser folds up and can go in a large travel bag. This makes it easier to transport on airplanes. I've heard horror stories about wheelchairs getting damaged or losing their wheels while on airplanes. I hope that doesn't happen to us!

It also fits in the back of my Traverse without being folded up.

We have FOUR adult bunnies in our backyard. Do you want to guess how many babies will be hopping around our backyard soon?!

On Wednesday, April 21st, it snowed again!

That afternoon Theo and I went on our first journey to Peoria with his new wheelchair.

[Puppy was helping Theo be brave]

Before we saw the Ophthalmologist, Dr Steve, we talked with the Optometrist. She did her examination and then told me that she needed to put drops in Theo's eyes. I told her that was fine and that I would hold his head to help. She then took Puppy and showed Theo how she puts drops in Puppy's eyes and that it is safe. Theo did not like her doing that to Puppy! He has such a tender heart!

While Theo's eyes dilated we went to a waiting room where he was able to stretch out on some chairs.

After about 45 minutes we were called back into the office and a few more nurses checked out Theo's eyes. He was not happy about so many people looking at him, but I kept playing Frozen II and it made everything better... kinda...

We then got to see Dr. Steve. It's been a while so I filled him in on all of Theo's progress and he was very proud of how Theo was doing. He then looked at Theo's optic nerve and said it looks great. BUT he does want to try glasses to help with the myopic astigmatism and alternating exotropia. Hopefully Theo will keep his glasses on and he won't have to have another surgery, but we will see. I think he will look so cute in glasses and I can't wait for them to arrive!

[Theo loves to grab onto Josh shirt (or beard) and pull him close for a kiss]

[I ordered a few things that I hope will make flying easier and more comfortable for Theo]

On Saturday, April 24th, our NordicTrack bike arrived! 

[Trial run!]

[I love our gym!]

[Getting a good look]

On Sunday, April 25th, I did my first ride with my favorite trainer, Tommy Rivs. It was great and I was a little sore when I was done. I'm looking forward to completing his program. My goal right now is to run three days and week, bike three days a week, and lift weights every other day.

Sunday selfie!

[Yard work]

I went through Theo's 6-24 month clothes. I'm sending all the "gender neutral" clothes to Ryan and Kayleen and the rest I am giving away on my local FB group. I love his little swim trunks!

[Work pictures from Josh]

Funny stuff:

1 comment:

Arlene Neilson said...

Love the hair! Gorgeous!