Monday, October 11, 2021

Field Trip to the Farm

Theo was still feeling a little yucky and his nose was runny, so I kept him home on Monday. We played Peek-a-Boo Barn and did some Boom Cards on the iPad. 

I don't pay too much attention to baseball until the Payoffs start getting closer. Even though my Angels missed the Playoffs again, our defending Dodgers are in! GO LA!

My cyst removal site is still healing. It doesn't help that my skin does not like any type of adhesive. It itches so badly and I'm so ready to get these stitches out.

Theo's aid helped him pick out some fun books at the book fair!

Theo is getting more and more independent and wants to get all of his toys out by himself. It's cute, but can also be a little frustrating because he doesn't know what he wants. 

Here he is looking for MORE toys! You have plenty already!

It is still AVM awareness month. Here's some more information:

Theo has been doing a lot of art projects at school. I love hanging them on our wall!

On Thursday, October 7th, we had our first Preschool field trip! Theo's Cow Class made matching shirts for their field trip to the Dollinger Family Farm. 

It was a rainy day, but we didn't let that stop us!

We met up with Theo's Cow Class and a couple other preschool classes. It was so fun to meet all of Theo's friends and their parents. A couple of the parents told me that their child talks about Theo all the time and they love him so much. It was so sweet! I love how they want to include him and be his friend. One little girl told us that she is Theo's best friend and we caught Theo blowing kisses to her. It was hilarious!

[Mrs. DiLorenzo showing Theo the sheep]

[Aww! A baby cow! This is a working farm and we don't get too attached 😬]

[We're having fun, right?! RIGHT?!]

After seeing the animals and walking around the farm a bit, we headed into a large barn to learn more about other animals that may live on or near the farm.

They brought around pelts and Theo was VERY interested in them!

After touching all of the pelts, we headed to the farm store to get some fudge. We then picked out our pumpkin, thanked Mrs. DiLorenzo, and heading back to the car. We were not able to go on the hay ride or train ride, but I'm not complaining about that. Our allergies are terrible right now and the last thing I want to do is go on a hay ride!

[Nice cuddles with dad]

I bought these for our trip to Disney World back in March 2020. I hope they will still work for us in December!

Theo is still working very hard at OT, PT, Feeding, and Speech.

[Continuing to heal with a little bruising]

[This would be so true 🤣🤣]

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