Monday, June 13, 2022

St Judes Visit and ESY

Theo usually has his abdominal ultrasound and visit to St Judes every three months. We had to put it off a bit due to Theo's hip surgery. But on Monday, June 6th, the three of us headed to the Children's Hospital to see our friends in the ultrasound division and at St Judes.

[Theo was so brave during his ultrasound]

After the ultrasound we headed to St Judes. We had about 45 minutes before his appointment, so we decided to stop by the lab and see if Theo could get his bloodwork done for Neurology. The line was LONG and there was no way we were going to be able to get it in before his next appointment. We walked down the hall and entered the St Judes division. They asked us if we did his bloodwork yet, but I said they line was too long. They said that since they also want some bloodwork done, they could do all the drawing there. Sweet! After they got his blood we met with one of the Nurse Practitioners. She told us that his ultrasound looks great and they'll call us with the results of his bloodwork. Easy peasy! 

[Josh's Jeep has to have premium gas]

The dove eggs hatched and we have two baby birds!

Theo had seven seizures today.

The next morning (Tuesday, June 7th), Theo finally went back to school! He will be attending Extended School Year (ESY) for the next three weeks. He was so excited when he saw the bus pull up!

He had so much fun playing with Ms. Jess and his classmates at school!

[Blueberry yogurt!]

After school Theo took a four hour nap and then kept falling asleep during OT. Poor kid. He is still getting use to that new medication.

Theo had seven seizures today.

On Wednesday, June 8th, I put Theo on the bus and then watched the wildlife in my back yard. 


[The small bunny went into the trap, but was too small to trigger the door.]

[Mama and baby birds in the nest! They are getting so big!]

Theo had a great day at school, but he was super tired and fell asleep in the swing.

Theo had five seizures today.

On Thursday, June 9th, Theo was still sleepy, but had a great day at school.

[Theo with his CNA Ms. Jess]


[We are working on exposing him to cups]

[The nest is getting pretty full!]

That afternoon we went to Thrive for OT. Theo went on the swing and had a better session. Ms. Laura said he didn't seem as tired as he did on Tuesday.

Theo had six seizures today.

The next morning (Friday, June 10th), Theo headed back to ESY. He was more awake and had a great day playing!

There was a lot going on with our doves today too! The babies were in and out of the nest all morning and then I noticed that one of them was missing!

I found the smaller bird on the ground. I read that they will leave the nest and then stay in the area for a while, so I wasn't worried about him.

Later that afternoon the smaller bird went back to the nest to try and convince his bigger brother to go on an adventure.

Dad bird then showed up to have a chat with the boys.

They all ended up back in the nest for the night.

[Josh welding at work]

Thanks Josh for installing racks on top of my car! I'm excited to get my bike up there.

Using Google Maps, I found a walking trail around the neighborhood to our west. I decided that the next morning I would go on a bike ride over there and see if the area would be good for biking and running.

[And it was!]

Theo had nine seizures today.

The next morning (Saturday, June 11th), I went on a long bike ride. The walking path was pretty good and not too crowded. I think it'll be a great place to run outdoors.

The dove brothers were getter braver and braver!

[On the ground]

[Back in the nest]

Theo had four seizures today.

The next day (Sunday, June 12th), we spotted the baby birds on a walk along our fence with their dad. I don't know if we will see them again, but it's been fun watching them grow up!

Our flowers are looking great, but we are in for a HOT few days! I hope they all survive!

Theo had five seizures today. 

Overall it seems like Theo is getting use to his new medication and it's isn't making him as tired. It seems to be keeping his seizure numbers down too. I hope this trend continues!

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