Thursday, August 8, 2019

Theo's 24th Month

Theo turned two today! I know! It's crazy! This post is going to cover his month leading up to the Downers Grove Party House week. Don't worry, I'll post about that soon!

[Theo is super strong, but he doesn't have very good control. We are working on that and he is getting better.]

[Theo's super busy therapy schedule]

[I bought this camera so I could take pictures of all the fun things we did in Downers Grove. My plan is to put those photos in a small book and send it home with Brodee.] 

[I'm in a few different support groups on Facebook. Overall they are great, but every so often post like this show up. People make me sad sometimes.]

[I got some texture books for Theo. He seems to be curious and willing to touch them!]

[If you are looking for some great shawarma head on over to the Naf Naf Grill! YUM!]

[Working on feeding.]

[It rains here A LOT and the weeds are out of control!]

[I LOVE macaron's! These Harry Potter themed ones kept popping up on my Facebook (go figure), so I thought I would give them a shot. They were pretty good, but I wouldn't order them again.]

[Theo and his Occupational Therapist, Glady]

[Theo tried coloring with markers for the first time at PT]

[Sometimes I need to run errands, so I feed Theo at Starbucks. It's always nice when we takes a nap too.]

[HeadPod time!]

[Theo tried the crawler at PT. He did pretty well and can tolerate being on his knees for long periods of time.]

[Theo started mimicking! Watch him try to snap!]

[Theo also colored with OT]

[Theo LOVES his porcupine (hedgehog?)]

[A sneak peek at some of the decorations for Theo's Harry Potter birthday party]

[Having fun at PT with Ms. Becca]

[Is Theo trying to say "MAMA?!"]

[Mani/Pedi for me!]

[Theo is getting better at sitting in my lap. He loves to dance and sing songs.]

[Having a chat with Ms. Becca]

[Posted on my Special Needs FB page]

[Josh's job is wrapping up after 5 years! Don't worry, they have more work for him coming up.]

On August 2nd, my parents and Dane drove up from Maineville, Ohio, so we could start our Downers Grove Party House vacation. Stay tuned!

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