Monday, June 28, 2021

Yard Work, Cycling, and Storms

It's been a rainy week, which has been great! We need the rain and it's nice that I don't have to go out and water all the plants twice a day. I did get to check on them and things are bouncing back and blooming!

While we were outside checking on the yard, we found these little guys. We've been seeing a small bunny for a few weeks now, but today we saw three smaller baby bunnies! They are SOOO cute! But they are eating my flowers! What do I do?!

Add "wood" to the list of things my son will eat instead of food:

[He's just so cute though!]

On Wednesday, June 23rd, we went on a "tryke" ride to the park with Theo's PT, so we could try out Theo's new swing. It's a little big, but Theo LOVED it!

That night Theo's iPad died when it hit 30% battery. Considering how much we use it (8+ hours a day) and Theo is obsessed with his music (it's like a safety blanket), we knew we had to buy a new one ASAP. We went on a family outing to Target and bought a brand new iPad! I put all of Theo's music on it after we got home, so it's just as good as the original. 

Theo's hair is out of control and I don't want to cut it. But I can't keep it tamed with his baby brush and comb any more. We upgraded to a read brush and comb! I know it't dumb to even mention it, but my Theo is growing up!

Since it was raining most of the week they had PE inside the gym. Theo loved playing with a new ball!

My ankle is still bothering me (it's slowly improving though), so I've been focusing on cycling instead of running. I'm finishing up a 12 part series in Norway and it's been so much fun! The trainer is hilarious and and scenery is breathtaking! I'm excited to explore more places from my basement 🙂

On Saturday, June 26th, we had a Tornado Watch with some severe thunderstorms. It was pretty intense, but we are good!

Theo's favorite thing to do is wrestle with Josh. Theo will go looking for Josh and yell out to him if he can't find him. It's so sweet!

[Theo plays dirty and goes for the beard!]

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