Monday, November 1, 2021

Halloween Weekend

I knew that Josh was going to be gone for Halloween, so I wasn't planning on dressing Theo up or going trick-or-treating. But then I was reminded that Theo's school was putting on a parade and I should dress him up for school on Friday. So, I did a last minute scramble and went through some of Theo's old costumes. Harry Potter was going to be the easiest to pull off (he already has the hair and the glasses). Theo's old costume from 2017 wasn't going to work, but I was tempted to try and squeeze him into those little shorts!

On Friday, October 29th, I drew a scar on Theo's forehead and then went and got the guest room ready for a photo shoot.

I was worried that Theo would be upset because of the scar on his forehead, but he had a great session with Becca. They danced a lot and Theo sat up really well!

After PT, I put Theo in his all black outfit, added the tie and glasses, and set him up in the guest room. 

With the help of a garbage bag, I was able to get a few good photos before Theo got tired and I had to put him down for a nap.

After his nap I put his outfit back on and then took him outside. While we waited for the bus I took a few more pictures with his "wand." He was in a pretty bad mood (he usually is after a nap, which is why I took picture before his nap... genius, right?!), but I managed to get one good photo.

[A slight smile from my Harry Potter]

At school Theo lead the parade and his aid told me he LOVED it! He was waving to everyone and was very excited!

[Theo and his class]

[2017 and 2021]

On Saturday, October 30th, Theo, Josh, and I headed up to the Naperville Farmers Market. I wanted to get a few more elderberry tea bags and some local honey. But, of course, we found some other delicious things to buy: 

[Tiny pancakes with Nutella and Oreo cookie crumbles]

[The best grilled cheese sandwich]

We also got some tamales and cheese balls. It was a successful trip! I'm sad the season is over. I really liked going to the farmers markets. It got us out of the house and Theo really likes to be outside and in his wheelchair. Until next year!

[Theo is getting really good at getting his toys!]

On Halloween morning, October 31st, Josh got up early and headed to Ellijay, Georgia for his CWI class. It was a 10.5 hour drive, but he was able to make it before the sun went down. He rented a little Airbnb cabin in the woods and he said it was perfect!

[Pictures from his road trip]

Our town has trick-or-treating from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. I put out a table with the candy and kept the door open (with the storm door closed), so I could keep an eye on the kids.

[Next year! 😂]

["Happy Halloween! Please Take One!"]

I wasn't going to dress up, but Josh's co-workers were going to stop by and say hi, so I threw on my Lakers jersey 💜💛

[Keeping an eye on my candy]

Overall the kids were great and only took one or two pieces. If I was able to make it to the door before they left I told the kids they could have two pieces. The kids would always say "REALLY?!" and get so excited! I was adorable! I only had a few problems with kids taking more than they were supposed to. These two girls were the worst! They were giggling really loudly and by the time I got to the door they had taken ALL of the KitKat bars! ALL OF THEM! I went back and looked at my Ring doorbell camera and they were so proud of themselves that they got away with it. I was a little upset because it was still early and I was worried that I was going to run out of candy, but I didn't. At 6:00 PM I had just a handful of Snickers and Reese's left. I had a few stragglers show up at 6:15 PM and I told them to take everything. They were SOOOO excited! 

If you guys want a ton of candy in a short amount of time, my neighborhood is the place to be. There are 130 houses in West Wind and kids were literally walking around with duffle bags for all the candy! It's pretty insane!

[Brodee, Sara, and Mondo]

I'm glad it's all over and now I am ready for Christmas *cough* ...I mean ...Thanksgiving!

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