Monday, July 11, 2022

35 Mile Bike Ride

I unpacked everything and did laundry the day we got home from Ohio. I can't stand not unpacking immediately after a trip!

On Thursday, July 7th, Theo had OT and I put him in the stander for the first time since his hip surgery. He was a bit shaky and only lasted about 15 minutes, but it was a good start!

While Theo was napping I went for a run in South Africa. It was interval training on hills and it kicked my butt!

That evening I went and saw Thor Love and Thunder! It was a ton of fun!

Theo had two seizures today.

On Friday, July 8th, Theo had PT and he tried on some of his new summer outfits! Too cute huh?!

Theo had three seizures today and we increased his medication again (which was the plan from the increase last week).

On Saturday, July 9th, I went on a long bike ride. I bought some gels and thought this would be a good time to try them out. My first 20 miles were great, but then around mile 30 my legs started to lock up. I ended up stoping at a park and stretching before making the 5 mile ride home. My goal was 40 miles, but there was no way I was going to make it. 

Riding through the corn and soy fields!

As I was riding I was passed by a nice group of older gentlemen. I tried to keep up with them (going stroke for stroke), but they were just too fast. I have a hybrid road bike which is good for road rides and dirt trails. If I want to do longer rides on the roads I am going to need to invest in a true road/speed bike. It's amazing how much faster those bikes are. 

Hey look! Some of our tomatoes are ready!

[He's just so cute]

Josh hung up a few more of my Minnie Ears! There's currently room for one more 🙂

Theo had two seizures today and is super crabby and tired. These med increases are rough.

On Sunday, July 10th, we all headed to REI so see if they could fix my bike. It hasn't been changing gears correctly (jumping from 5 to 7) since the dog attack. 

[The bike is all secure on the roof]

I told the nice ladies at the REI bike center what happened and they tested my bike. They could see (and hear) the problem and it makes complete sense. The dog hit my bike so hard that it bent one of the gears. It should be an easy fix, but I had to leave my bike with them for a week or so.

Theo had one seizure today.

How amazing would it be to have these universal changing tables in every bathroom? Those baby changing tables only go so far, these can hold hundreds of pounds and fold up nicely so they don't take up a lot of room. There are so many people who would benefit from these (us included). Theo's incontinence makes it difficult to go anywhere because we don't always know where we will be able to change his diaper. Have you ever had to change your child's diaper on the floor of the public bathroom? It's awful.

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