Sunday, July 16, 2023


Monday, July 10:

Josh went to work while Theo and I played at home. Theo got in his Gazelle and sat nicely in his chair for a while. We did our daily stretches and activities for OT, PT, and Feeding/Speech.

That afternoon I took Theo to PT. He was well rested and did great!

Our yard is full of babies this week! We've seen four baby bunnies (they are tiny!) and a cute little fledgling that was hanging out on (and pooping all over!) our front porch. It's okay. He was cute too!

Tuesday, July 11th:

It was time for Theo to get some new AFOs and SMOs. He has grown so much and the ones he has now are really short! Theo and I went to meet his new CPO, Cole, at Comprehensive Prosthetics & Orthotics. He was very nice and Theo didn't give him to much trouble when Cole was doing all his measurements. If all goes well with insurance we should have his new AFOs and SMOs in the next few months.

That afternoon we went swimming! Ms Jess' complex has a pool and she invited us over. I wasn't sure if Theo would like it, but we thought we would give it a shot.

I got him dressed in his swimming diaper, swim trunks, long sleeve rash guard, sunglasses, hat, and lifejacket. I carried him into the water and he had no reaction. None. He sat on my knee in the shallow end while I chatted with Ms. Jess and two other ladies from the school. 

About an hour into our experience, Theo realized that he could splash! I laid him on his back and he started kicking his legs and splashing everyone. He thought it was soooo funny!

After about two hours we decided to call it a day. Theo was sad when we took him out of the water, but I told him we would be back!

Thanks Ms. Jess for inviting us over!

Wednesday, July 12th

Josh headed off to work while Theo and I headed down to Peoria to see the GI Specialist. We haven't see Dr. M in a long time (we had to cancel our last appointment with her when Theo was in the PICU). She is one of my favorite doctors because she is super nice, she listens, and she doesn't assume that everything that is going on with Theo has to do with her speciality. We had a long chat about everything that's happened in the last 10 months. I asked her about getting Theo tested for aspiration since Theo's Pediatrician thinks it could be the cause of his pneumonia. Dr. M thinks that we need to wait and see how he does after he is weaned off of the Clobazam and gets his strength back before we do any testing. I completely agree! We will see her in three months to discuss weaning Theo off of the Prilosec and she can evaluated him for any kind of testing.

We drove straight from the hospital to Thrive for OT. It was really great timing since Thrive is on our way home from the hospital.

That afternoon Theo had feeding/speech therapy with Ms. Jen and Ms. Jeannine (Dietitian) Zoomed in. We haven't see Ms Jeannine in five weeks and she noticed how much more awake and active Theo was. The Clobazam wean is going really well!

Thursday, July 13th:

Ms. Jess came over this morning and watched Theo so I could go run some errands. It's just so much easier to run around without Theo and he LOVES to hangout with Ms Jess!

After I got back from errands I took Theo to OT.

Friday, July 14th:

Josh went to work (per usual) while Theo and I hung out at home. Theo decided to drive me crazy by army crawling all over the family room and getting into situations. I'm so happy he is getting more mobile! It's just proof that the Clobazam was really affecting him.

That afternoon Theo and I went to High Hopes for PT. Josh met us there so he could take Theo home and I could go get my allergy shots. 


Josh and I have been talking for a while about renovating Theo's bathroom. We've contacted a few local contractors and one of them came out this weekend to look at the bathroom. We are thinking about combining the jack-and-jill bathroom with the powder room so make one giant bathroom, BUT we have to make sure that both bedrooms and the main house can still access the bathroom. It looks like putting the shower in the middle of the bathroom will be our best bet. It's going to cost an insane amount of money, but we really need a roll in shower for this growing boy.

[Shower in the middle]

We also like these more neutral colors:

We have asked four contractors so far to come give us quotes, so we'll see what everyone comes up with.

I know it's stupid hot in the West and Southwest. Stay cool friends!

And LeBron is coming back for another year. Let's do this!

Theo is having about 3-5 observable seizures a day. They are getting less intense, so they are hard to see. That VNS is working hard!

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