Friday, June 9, 2023

CA Reunion - Part V: Universal Studios Hollywood

Friday, June 9th:

We got up insanely early, left 6 of the youngest kids with Papa and Grandma, and headed to Hollywood!

We got to Universal Studios right when it opened and headed straight to Super Mario World (along with everyone else).

[Super Mario World from the escalators]

[Entering the land!]

We bought Brodee a bracelet so he could collect keys and coins. If you collect all the keys and enough coins you get to go fight baby Bowser!

[Porter getting some coins]

[Everything was sooooo cute!]

The line for Mario Kart: Bowser's Challenge was getting longer by the minute, so we decided to jump in line.

The line takes you through Yoshi Land and Bowser's Castle. It was so cool and detailed! 

The ride was okay and fun, but not worth the two hour wait. After the ride we spit up with some of the group getting food and going on the Mummy Ride while Luke and his family stayed in Mario Land for a bit longer.

We all gathered again and went to Hogsmeade together. We all love Harry Potter!

After a bit of shopping and a quick ride, we went on the Studio Tour. They've changed a few things since I went as a kid, but it was still pretty fun!

In the early afternoon we decided that we had done everything we wanted to do at Universal Studios. Before we left the area we stopped by The Toothsome Chocolate Emporium and Savory Feast Kitchen for some fancy shakes.

We then made the LONG 2.5 hour drive home to San Clemente. We ended up stopping at In-n-Out for dinner which helped break up the drive!

Theo broke his iPad, so he used mine while we were gone.


Thanks mom and dad for taking care of Theo and the other littles all day! We really appreciate it!

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